Ranking tables
Employment | Europe
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 2
Band 4
- DLA Piper Denmark 10 Years Ranked
- Skau Reipurth 7 Years Ranked
- Clemens Advokater
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
Band 2
- Christian K Clasen Norrbom Vinding18 Years Ranked
- Elise Ross-Hansen Bruun & Hjejle17 Years Ranked
- Jens Lund Mosbek Kromann Reumert14 Years Ranked
- Lise Høy Falsner Plesner4 Years Ranked
- Marianne Lage Poul Schmith12 Years Ranked
- Pernille Backhausen Sirius Advokater13 Years Ranked
- Yvonne Frederiksen Norrbom Vinding14 Years Ranked
- Helene AmsinckHelene Amsinck Advokatfirma
Band 3
- Anne Marie Abrahamson Mazanti-Andersen13 Years Ranked
- Flemming Strømme Martinussen Bruun & Hjejle1 Years Ranked
- Jeppe Høyer Jørgensen Labora Legal14 Years Ranked
- Jonas Blegvad Jensen Poul Schmith1 Years Ranked
- Jonas Enkegaard Skau Reipurth6 Years Ranked
- Nicolai Hesgaard Accura Advokatpartnerselskab14 Years Ranked
- Nina Wedsted DLA Piper Denmark16 Years Ranked
- Rasmus Høj Christensen Gorrissen Federspiel4 Years Ranked
- Sandro Ratkovic Bech-Bruun5 Years Ranked
- Signe Renée West Labora Legal9 Years Ranked
- Søren Narv Pedersen Bird & Bird12 Years Ranked
- Tina Brøgger Sørensen Plesner18 Years Ranked
- Anders Etgen ReitzIUNO
- Anja Staugaard JensenAnja Staugaard Advokatfirma
- Bo Enevold UhrenfeldtLittler
- Frederik BrocksLIND Advokataktieselskab
- Lene Damkjær ChristensenDamkjær Lauritzen Advokatfirma
- Mette KlingstenMette Klingsten Law Firm
- Søren Hessellund KlausenIUNO
- Tommy AngermairClemens Advokater
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Bech-BruunEmployment2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedBech-Bruun houses a highly experienced team recognised for its extensive employment law practice. The department has notable skill in labour law investigations and disputes, including arbitration proceedings, with expertise pertaining to trade secrets, mass redundancies, immigration-related issues and whistle-blowing cases. The team has additional experience advising on incentive schemes. Bech-Bruun also assists with the employment law aspects of corporate mergers and acquisitions.
1 Kromann ReumertEmployment2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedKromann Reumert fields an outstanding team composed of experienced employment law practitioners. The law firm advises on a broad range of areas, including the design of employee pension schemes and remuneration plans. The practice offers expertise in handling employment law disputes, including discrimination and unfair dismissal claims. The department's clients include Danish and international companies.
1 Norrbom VindingEmployment2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedNorrbom Vinding remains an employment powerhouse, with practitioners specialised in all areas of labour law acting for large blue-chip companies. The law firm notably advises on discrimination cases and investigations into employee misconduct. The department also handles collective redundancies arising from restructuring processes. The team routinely advises employers on the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements with trade unions, and also assists with employment-related disputes, including arbitration proceedings.
Band 2
2 Accura AdvokatpartnerselskabEmployment2024 | Band 2 | 17 Years RankedAccura particularly stands out for its handling of M&A-related employment issues, including new contracts, benefit schemes and internal restructuring. The law firm's expertise also extends to severance and collective agreements, as well as a range of complex employment investigations and disputes.
2 Gorrissen FederspielEmployment2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedGorrissen Federspiel's renowned employment practice is recognised for its wide-ranging experience in transactional and dispute matters. The team has expertise in misconduct investigations and whistle-blower cases. The department also advises on the transfer of employees through corporate transactions, as well as collective bargaining agreements, incentive schemes, executive management and board topics, and collective redundancies.
2 Labora LegalEmployment2024 | Band 2 | 9 Years RankedLabora Legal is an employment boutique which represents employers in day-to-day labour law issues. The law firm has particular knowledge in incentive schemes, collective bargaining agreements, executive service contracts and restructurings. The team also supports on M&A-related employment mandates. The lawyers additionally advise on dismissals and have experience in litigation and arbitration proceedings.
2 PlesnerEmployment2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedPlesner houses a respected practice group that advises on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. The department also holds experience handling collective redundancies as part of restructurings, as well as outsourcing issues. The law firm additionally represents clients in investigations and litigation concerning discrimination and harassment in the workplace, including Supreme Court cases.2 Sirius AdvokaterEmployment2024 | Band 2 | 7 Years RankedSirius Advokater advises corporates, state bodies, trade unions and employees on a whole host of labour law matters. The law firm represents clients in investigations and disputes, including those regarding harassment and dismissals. The team also advises on severance agreements, collective agreements, redundancies and whistle-blower schemes.
Band 3
3 Bruun & HjejleEmployment2024 | Band 3 | 16 Years RankedBruun & Hjejle operates a well-reputed practice that frequently handles the employment aspects of cross-border transactions. The law firm advises on the transfer of employees and the structuring of incentive and management schemes as well as collective bargaining agreements. The department also assists with internal investigations, whistle-blower schemes and immigration issues.3 HortenEmployment2024 | Band 3 | 17 Years RankedHorten advises on a broad range of employment matters. The department provides a comprehensive service drafting contracts as well as advising on employee terminations and severance agreements. Additionally, the team represents employers in the negotiation of collective agreements. Horten's expertise also includes employment investigations and disputes, including arbitration proceedings, with experience in working environment issues and remuneration cases. The group has clients that include a range of corporates as well as municipal governments and public sector entities.3 Poul SchmithEmployment2024 | Band 3 | 6 Years RankedPoul Schmith's employment department rises in the rankings this year following notable market recognition. The law firm often advises clients on collective bargaining agreements and the related negotiations with unions. The team also has experience in M&A-related labour law topics. The lawyers also handle issues concerning dismissals, discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
Band 4
4 DLA Piper DenmarkEmployment2024 | Band 4 | 10 Years RankedDLA Piper's employment practice in Denmark joins the rankings this year following notable market recognition. The international law firm assists with M&A-related matters and work permits in addition to employee terminations and redundancy rounds. The team has experience handling disputes following dismissals, as well as harassment and discrimination claims.4 Skau ReipurthEmployment2024 | Band 4 | 7 Years RankedSkau Reipurth's employment department is well versed in transaction-related employment topics, as well as negotiating collective agreements with unions. The practitioners also assist with dismissals, terminations and redundancies. The law firm is additionally well versed in employment law mandates involving white-collar crime elements.