Practice Areas
Jacob Sand is head of the firm's Labour & Employment practice group. Jacob specialises in a broad range of employment law issues. Having worked for more than 3½ years as a Legal Secretary at the European Court of Justice and having acted as an active advocate before the EU Court, Jacob has state-of-the-art knowledge and understanding of all aspects of EU employment law. Jacob Sand combines this knowledge with profound insight into collective labour law. This means that he is one of the most widely used litigators in Labour Court cases.
Jacob Sand has conducted numerous arbitration and court cases before the Supreme Court, Labour Court and other tribunals, including industrial tribunals. Jacob advises clients in a wide variety of different industries, for instance energy, transportation, financial services providers, telecommunications and media. In addition, he has acted as referee in the Danish Entrepreneurship award and as assessor to the former director of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) in the investigation committee (Tibetkommissionen) established by the Danish Minister of Justice.
Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel since 2008
Gorrissen Federspiel 2005 -
Bech-Bruun Dragsted 2002 - 2005
Legal Secretary with the European Court of Justice, 1998 - 2002
Aros Advokater 1995 - 1998
Bech-Bruun & Trolle 1992 - 1995
"Hovedtørklæder - nyt fra EU-Domstolen" (Headscarfs - news from the Court of Justice of the European Union) in the Danish journal EU-ret & Menneskeret (DJØF Publishing), no. 2, 2017, p. 5 ff.
Co-author of Arbejdsretsnøglen (DJØF), 2014 -
Publications: The Danish monthly, Advokaten, no. 9 2015, Ligebehandling: Når bagateller kommer til behandling (Equal treatment: When trivial matters are being heard)
EELC Publication number 2015-3, 2015/28, p. 23 - 26, "Supreme Court follows up on ECJ's judgment in Ring and Werge"
American Bar Association International Labor & Employment Law Committee Newsletter, January 2015: Obesity May Constitute a Disability According to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU)
International Labor and Employment Laws, chapter about Danmark, Bloomberg BNA, 2022
Co-author of the International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Immigration, Denmark chapter, 2014
Arbejdsgivers Kontrolbeføjelser - nye muligheder og nye udfordringer (The Employer's Supervision Powers - new possibilities and new challenges), HR Jura Magazine, no. 4 p. 42 ff, 2013
Co-author of Sourcing World, European Lawyer Reference, 2012
"Strukturreformen - nye væsentlige domme om ændringer i ansættelsesforhold" (The Municipal Reform - new essential judgments in cases concerning changes in the employment) in the monthly magazine Stads- & Havneingeniøren, January 1, 2006, p. 22 ff
"Forbud mod diskrimination af direktører" (Prohibition against discrimination of CEOs) in the monthly Advokaten, March 2006
"Den danske model i et integreret Europa - Festskrift i anledning af Einar Edelbergs 40 års jubilæum" (The Danish model in an integral Europe - a Festschrift on the occasion of Einer Edelberg's 40th anniversary), DJØF, 2004
Various articles on employment law in the daily Jyllands-Posten, 2003-2004
Co-author of "Den kommenterede virksomhedsoverdragelseslov" (The commented act on the transfer of undertakings), DJØF, 2002
Author of Chapter 17 "Transportation" in EU-Karnov, 2002, 2003 and 2005