Chambers Review
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Band 3
Provided by Elena Esparza
Consumer Products
Hotels & Leisure
Member of the Spanish Association of Employment Law Professionals (ASNALA).
Elena has published a wide variety of articles and texts for specialist and generalist publications and press, both in Spain and abroad, in his field of expertise.
Share option plans and competent jurisdiction (Judgment delivered by the Labour Division of the High Court of Justice of Madrid on 20 October 2009). In: "Labour Annual for Lawyers". La Ley, 2010.
The right to bereavement allowance for non-registered domestic partners (Judgment delivered by the Labour Division, 3rd Section, of the High Court of Justice of Madrid on 22 February 2010, proceedings 111/10, appeal 5515/2009). In: "Labour Annual for Lawyers". La Ley, 2011.
The right to incentive plan premiums during the voluntary leave of absence of its beneficiaries (Judgment delivered by the Labour Division, 5th Section, of the High Court of Justice of Madrid on 7 April 2011). In: "Labour Annual for Lawyers". La Ley, 2012.
Fundamental rights and civil liberties. The legal classification of the dismissal on disciplinary grounds of an employee and Chairman of the works council due to a serious breach of his obligations (Judgment delivered by the Labour Division, 2nd Section, of the High Court of Justice of Madrid on 17 April 2013, declared final following an order issued by the Supreme Court on 4 December 2013). In: "Labour Annual for Lawyers". La Ley, 2015.
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