Practice Areas
Sharon Quinn Dixon practices in both the Tax and Labor & Employment departments. She has 40+ years' experience in the employee benefits field and counsels employers, including tax exempt entities, on employee benefit plans, including:
the design, operation and compliance of tax qualified plans (401(k), 403(b), 457(b), pension, ESOP)
health and welfare plan administration and compliance (Affordable Care Act, COBRA, Section 125 Plan issues)
fiduciary issues in plan administration
executive employment and nonqualified deferred compensation agreements and plans
separation agreements and IRC §409A and §457 issues
benefits and compensation issues in business mergers and acquisitions
payroll tax issues.
Sharon also has considerable experience assisting individuals with estate planning and wealth preservation needs.
Professional Memberships
American College of Employee Benefits Counsel, Fellow; American Bar Association, Tax Section, Employee Benefits Committee; Florida Bar, Tax and Real Property Probate and Trust Law Sections; Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami.