Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Band 1
Provided by Michael K Brown
Michael is a trial lawyer and partner in Reed Smith’s Life Sciences Health Industry Group, who also coordinates strategy for companies facing large litigation, including mass tort litigation. His practice focuses on complex product liability and commercial matters, including class actions, multi-district litigations, mass torts, and claims for unfair competition and false advertising under state consumer protection statutes.
Michael has been consistently named as one of the top mass tort product liability lawyers in the country by Chambers USA and has been widely recognized by numerous other legal awards and listings.
Michael has testified more than a dozen times before legislative and other committees concerning proposed legislation involving protective orders and confidential settlement agreements, summary judgments, unfair competition statutes, electronic discovery, and other issues. He has worked with a coalition of businesses to oppose bills that would have eroded protection for confidential and proprietary information as well as bills that would have given prosecutors and private plaintiffs a "disgorgement of profits" remedy in cases involving California Business and Professions Code sections 17200 et al, and he was a member of the Civil Justice Working Group providing assistance to then-governor-elect Schwarzenegger's transition team. He was also actively involved in working on reform efforts involving section 17200, particularly Proposition 64, which was enacted by California voters.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers