Ranking tables
Tax: Litigation | Global
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
- Ives Gandra da Silva MartinsAdvocacia Gandra Martins
- Leo KrakowiakKrakowiak Advogados
Band 1
- Hamilton Dias de Souza Dias de Souza22 Years Ranked
- Luiz Roberto Peroba Barbosa Pinheiro Neto Advogados13 Years Ranked
- Ricardo Mariz de Oliveira Mariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados22 Years Ranked
- Roberto Quiroga Mosquera Mattos Filho23 Years Ranked
- Luís Eduardo SchoueriLacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados
- Ricardo KrakowiakKrakowiak Advogados
Band 2
- Antonio Carlos Guidoni Filho Vella Pugliese Buosi e Guidoni Advogados12 Years Ranked
- Bruno Fajersztajn Mariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados10 Years Ranked
- Daniella Zagari Gonçalves Machado Meyer14 Years Ranked
- Eduardo Maneira Maneira Advogados14 Years Ranked
- Glaucia Maria Lauletta Frascino Mattos Filho12 Years Ranked
- Luciana Rosanova Galhardo Pinheiro Neto Advogados23 Years Ranked
- Maria Rita Ferragut Trench Rossi Watanabe4 Years Ranked
- Raquel Novais Machado Meyer23 Years Ranked
- Roberto Duque Estrada Brigagão, Duque Estrada - Advogados17 Years Ranked
- André Mendes MoreiraSacha Calmon - Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados
Band 3
- Breno Ferreira Martins Vasconcelos Mannrich e Vasconcelos Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Giancarlo Chamma Matarazzo Pinheiro Neto Advogados12 Years Ranked
- Gustavo Brigagão Brigagão, Duque Estrada - Advogados18 Years Ranked
- Gustavo L. Haddad Lefosse Advogados19 Years Ranked
- Karem Jureidini Dias Rivitti e Dias Advogados10 Years Ranked
- Marco Antonio Behrndt Machado Meyer12 Years Ranked
- Tércio Chiavassa Pinheiro Neto Advogados11 Years Ranked
- Eduardo PuglieseSchneider Pugliese
- Igor Mauler SantiagoMauler Advogados
- Luiz Gustavo BicharaBichara Advogados
- Valter de Souza LobatoSacha Calmon - Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados
Band 4
- Ana Carolina Saba Utimati Lefosse Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Cristiane Romano Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice3 Years Ranked
- Donovan Mazza Lessa Maneira Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Marcelo Salles Annunziata Demarest Advogados10 Years Ranked
- Mário Luiz Oliveira da Costa Dias de Souza12 Years Ranked
- Mauricio Faro BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão3 Years Ranked
- Paulo Ayres Barreto Aires Barreto Advogados Associados10 Years Ranked
- Priscila Faricelli de Mendonça Demarest Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Daniel Vitor BellanLacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados
- Daniela Silveira LaraRolim, Goulart, Cardoso Advogados
- Júlio OliveiraMachado Associados
- Marcos Vinícius Neder de LimaNeder e Romano Advogados
- Tacio Lacerda GamaLacerda Gama Advogados Associados
Band 5
- Ana Paula Schincariol Lui Barreto Mattos Filho3 Years Ranked
- Bruno Macorin Carramaschi Lefosse Advogados6 Years Ranked
- Geraldo Valentim Neto Madeira, Valentim & Gallardo Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Lígia Regini da Silveira BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão2 Years Ranked
- Marcelo Marques Roncaglia Pinheiro Neto Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Vinicius Jucá Alves Lefosse Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Adriano Silvérioasbz
- Alexandre MonteiroALMA Law
- Enio ZahaGaia Silva Gaede Advogados
- João Dácio RolimRolim, Goulart, Cardoso Advogados
- Marcos Vinícius Passarelli PradoFerraz Ivamoto & Furlan Sociedade de Advogados | FI&F
- Mauricio de Carvalho Silveira BuenoHRSA | Sociedade de Advogados
Band 6
- André Alves de Melo Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Diogo Ferraz FreitasLeite3 Years Ranked
- Fabiana Carsoni Alves Fernandes da Silva Mariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Fernando Westin Marcondes Pereira Ayres Ribeiro Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Gilberto Ayres Moreira Ayres Ribeiro Advogados5 Years Ranked
- Leo Lopes de Oliveira Neto FAS Advogados, in cooperation with CMS3 Years Ranked
- Luiza Lacerda BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão3 Years Ranked
- Marcelo Reinecken Veirano Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Rafael Gregorin Trench Rossi Watanabe3 Years Ranked
- Renata Emery TozziniFreire Advogados13 Years Ranked
- Tatiana Del Giudice Cappa Chiaradia Candido Martins Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Alessandro Mendes CardosoRolim, Goulart, Cardoso Advogados
- Breno Ladeira KingmaVieira Rezende
- Clarissa Cerqueira Viana PereiraAzevedo Sette Advogados
- Daniel Lacasa MayaMachado Associados
- Eduardo Botelho KiralyhegyNegreiro, Moreira & Kiralyhegy Advogados
- Gustavo Barroso TaparelliAbe Advogados
- Leonel Pereira PittzerFux Advogados
- Luca Priolli SalvoniCascione Advogados
- Luciana AguiarALMA Law
- Marcos MatsunagaFCAM - Ferraz de Camargo e Matsunaga Advogados
- Maucir Fregonesi JrSiqueiraCastro - Advogados
Up and Coming
- Andrea Mascitto Pinheiro Neto Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Bruno Rodrigues Teixeira de Lima TozziniFreire Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Filipe Carra Richter Veirano Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Paulo Camargo Tedesco Mattos Filho2 Years Ranked
- Álvaro LucasechiKLA Advogados
- Bruno AbreuAbreu, Goulart & Santos Advogados
- Felipe OmoriKLA Advogados
- Maira Cristina Santos MadeiraAbe Advogados
- Rafael GoulartAbreu, Goulart & Santos Advogados
Associates to watch
- Ariel MöllerFux Advogados
- Gabriel Alves de Oliveira BaccariniCascione Advogados
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
- Ives Gandra da Silva MartinsAdvocacia Gandra Martins | Tax: Litigation2025 | Senior Statespeople
Band 1
1 Hamilton Dias de SouzaDias de Souza | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 1 | 22 Years RankedPre-eminent founding partner Hamilton Dias de Souza continues to be regarded by interviewees as a prominent figure in the tax litigation sphere owing to his long track record of handling a wide variety of disputes.1 Luiz Roberto Peroba BarbosaPinheiro Neto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 1 | 13 Years RankedLuiz Roberto Peroba Barbosa is recognised as a strong litigator, handling both judicial and administrative tax disputes. He is active across a range of direct and indirect taxes, being particularly highly rated for his expertise in digital economy taxation.1 Ricardo Mariz de OliveiraMariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 1 | 22 Years RankedDistinguished partner Ricardo Mariz de Oliveira has formidable recognition for his outstanding experience acting on high-profile tax litigation. He is especially noted for his expertise in administrative disputes involving social security contributions and income tax-related matters.
1 Roberto Quiroga MosqueraMattos Filho | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 1 | 23 Years RankedRoberto Quiroga Mosquera has a stellar reputation and continues to be praised for his market-leading tax litigation practice, being particularly noted for his expertise in administrative litigation before CARF.- Luís Eduardo SchoueriLacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 1
Band 2
2 Antonio Carlos Guidoni FilhoVella Pugliese Buosi e Guidoni Advogados | Head of Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedAntonio Carlos Guidoni Filho is a well-regarded practitioner admired for his knowledge and expertise. He draws upon years of experience as a former CARF council member to provide companies with advice on complex tax disputes.2 Bruno FajersztajnMariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years RankedBruno Fajersztajn is a well-equipped lawyer, frequently sought out by important clients to represent them in complex tax cases, and particularly noted for his expertise in federal taxation, especially corporate income tax, PIS and COFINS.2 Daniella Zagari GonçalvesMachado Meyer | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 14 Years RankedDaniella Zagari Gonçalves is an experienced and well-equipped tax practitioner. She is highly regarded as a strong tax litigator, notably in the judicial sphere.
2 Eduardo ManeiraManeira Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 14 Years RankedEduardo Maneira is recognised for being a skilled tax litigator with solid experience in administrative and judicial disputes, including before the Supreme Court. He is active representing clients from the oil and gas and telecommunications industries in mandates arising from the full spectrum of taxes.2 Glaucia Maria Lauletta FrascinoMattos Filho | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedGlaucia Maria Lauletta Frascino is admired for her skills in handling big-ticket judicial and administrative tax disputes involving a wide range of taxes, including goodwill tax amortisation, ICMS, PIS and COFINS.2 Luciana Rosanova GalhardoPinheiro Neto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 23 Years RankedLuciana Rosanova Galhardo is highly respected for her tax litigation skills. She is active representing companies in sophisticated disputes and is especially noted for her expertise in goodwill tax amortisation matters.2 Maria Rita FerragutTrench Rossi Watanabe | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 4 Years RankedMaria Rita Ferragut is admired by clients and peers alike for her adept handling of judicial disputes arising from a range of different tax matters.2 Raquel NovaisMachado Meyer | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 23 Years RankedRaquel Novais is well regarded by the market, being particularly recognised for her expertise in federal direct taxes, as well as international taxation. Novais is further noted for her strong experience in administrative disputes before CARF.2 Roberto Duque EstradaBrigagão, Duque Estrada - Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 17 Years RankedRoberto Duque Estrada has significant experience representing clients in tax disputes involving a number of mandates, including goodwill tax amortisation, ICMS and withholding income tax.- André Mendes MoreiraSacha Calmon - Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 2
Band 3
3 Breno Ferreira Martins VasconcelosMannrich e Vasconcelos Advogados | Head of Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedBreno Ferreira Martins Vasconcelos enjoys a solid reputation in the market for his tax litigation skills. He advises companies on a range of administrative and judicial disputes, including those before the higher courts.3 Giancarlo Chamma MatarazzoPinheiro Neto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 12 Years Ranked3 Gustavo BrigagãoBrigagão, Duque Estrada - Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedThe widely praised Gustavo Brigagão is a leading figure for tax litigation and consulting in both the national and Rio de Janeiro markets.
3 Gustavo L. HaddadLefosse Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 19 Years RankedGustavo Lian Haddad is well regarded in the market for his track record of advising companies on tax disputes arising from a range of matters, including foreign taxation, goodwill amortisation, IRPJ and withholding tax.3 Karem Jureidini DiasRivitti e Dias Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 10 Years RankedKarem Jureidini Dias draws upon her experience as a former CARF council member to advise clients on tax litigation. Dias continues to be recognised for her expertise in handling administrative tax disputes before CARF and is also noted for her skilled handling of tax transactions.3 Marco Antonio BehrndtMachado Meyer | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 12 Years RankedMarco Antonio Behrndt is active advising companies on judicial and administrative tax disputes involving a range of taxes, especially indirect ones.3 Tércio ChiavassaPinheiro Neto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 11 Years RankedTércio Chiavassa is a well-regarded practitioner, frequently retained by clients to provide advice on complex disputes involving IPI, goodwill tax amortisation, and PIS and COFINS.
- Valter de Souza LobatoSacha Calmon - Misabel Derzi Consultores e Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 3
Band 4
4 Ana Carolina Saba UtimatiLefosse Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 4 Years RankedAna Carolina Saba Utimati is active representing major companies in judicial and administrative contentious mandates arising from a range of tax matters.4 Cristiane RomanoMachado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedCristiane Romano maintains a strong focus on tax disputes before the Superior Court of Justice and the Brazilian Supreme Court.4 Donovan Mazza LessaManeira Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 4 Years RankedDonovan Massa Lessa is active advising clients on disputes involving a range of tax matters, including goodwill amortisation and corporate income tax.
4 Marcelo Salles AnnunziataDemarest Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 10 Years RankedMarcelo Salles Annunziata has experience representing clients from the energy, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors in judicial and administrative tax disputes involving indirect and direct taxes.4 Mário Luiz Oliveira da CostaDias de Souza | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedMário Luiz Oliveira da Costa assists clients from an array of sectors with contentious mandates in both the administrative and judicial spheres.
4 Mauricio FaroBMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedMauricio Faro is recognised by peers and clients alike for his tax litigation capabilities. He is active representing clients from the energy, technology and pharmaceutical sectors in both administrative and judicial disputes regarding federal and state taxes.4 Paulo Ayres BarretoAires Barreto Advogados Associados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 10 Years RankedLeading partner Paulo Ayres Barreto is a highly regarded tax law practitioner, respected for his academic approach to cases.
4 Priscila Faricelli de MendonçaDemarest Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedPriscila Faricelli de Mendonça is a practitioner often seen handling judicial and administrative cases, including those reaching the high courts.
- Daniel Vitor BellanLacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4
- Daniela Silveira LaraRolim, Goulart, Cardoso Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 4
Band 5
5 Ana Paula Schincariol Lui BarretoMattos Filho | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years Ranked5 Bruno Macorin CarramaschiLefosse Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5 | 6 Years RankedBruno Macorin Carramaschi has experience acting as counsel on tax disputes involving different taxes, including ISS, ICMS and IRPJ, as well as goodwill tax amortisation-related matters.5 Geraldo Valentim NetoMadeira, Valentim & Gallardo Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years Ranked5 Lígia Regini da SilveiraBMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5 | 2 Years RankedLígia Regini da Silveira is a practitioner possessing experience in dealing with tax disputes in both the judicial and administrative spheres.
5 Marcelo Marques RoncagliaPinheiro Neto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedMarcelo Marques Roncaglia is active advising clients on a range of tax disputes, including those related to corporate income tax, PIS and COFINS.5 Vinicius Jucá AlvesLefosse Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedVinicius Jucá Alves frequently assists companies with tax, administrative and judicial disputes, including before the higher courts.
- Marcos Vinícius Passarelli PradoFerraz Ivamoto & Furlan Sociedade de Advogados | FI&F | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5
- Mauricio de Carvalho Silveira BuenoHRSA | Sociedade de Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 5
Band 6
6 André Alves de MeloCescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 3 Years Ranked6 6 Fabiana Carsoni Alves Fernandes da SilvaMariz de Oliveira e Siqueira Campos Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 3 Years Ranked6 Fernando Westin Marcondes PereiraAyres Ribeiro Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 1 Years Ranked6 Gilberto Ayres MoreiraAyres Ribeiro Advogados | Head of Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 5 Years Ranked6 Leo Lopes de Oliveira NetoFAS Advogados, in cooperation with CMS | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 3 Years Ranked6 Luiza LacerdaBMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 3 Years Ranked6 6 Rafael GregorinTrench Rossi Watanabe | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 3 Years RankedRafael Gregorin is active representing clients in disputes arising from different tax matters, being particularly noted for his handling of cases in the administrative sphere.6 6 Tatiana Del Giudice Cappa ChiaradiaCandido Martins Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6 | 3 Years Ranked- Alessandro Mendes CardosoRolim, Goulart, Cardoso Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6
- Clarissa Cerqueira Viana PereiraAzevedo Sette Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6
- Eduardo Botelho KiralyhegyNegreiro, Moreira & Kiralyhegy Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6
- Marcos MatsunagaFCAM - Ferraz de Camargo e Matsunaga Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Band 6
Up and Coming
U Andrea MascittoPinheiro Neto Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedU Bruno Rodrigues Teixeira de LimaTozziniFreire Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedU Filipe Carra RichterVeirano Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedU Paulo Camargo TedescoMattos Filho | Tax: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years Ranked- Rafael GoulartAbreu, Goulart & Santos Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming
Associates to watch
- Gabriel Alves de Oliveira BaccariniCascione Advogados | Tax: Litigation2025 | Associates to watch