Professional Memberships
Recognized as Leading Individual by International publication Chambers & Partners, The Client’s Guide, 2016 in Corporate-M&A, Insurance and Antitrust.
Invited by the Argentine Insurance Committee to participate as speaker in the “First National Meeting on Justice and Insurance”.
Member of the International Bar Association.
“Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Latin America”, chapter dedicated to the Argentine Republic, Kluwer Law International (2001).
Extensive experience in Corporate Law, consulting businesses with an integral view on legal matters related to their activities, specially focusing on corporate and contractual matters. Participated in several domestic and international transactions, as well as in corporate reorganizations, including mergers and split-offs. Advised clients in the drafting of Shareholders’ Agreements.
Renown for her experience in the insurance market, with ample knowledge of related regulations. Serves as advisor to several insurance companies and AVIRA, association representing the main life and retirement insurance companies in the country.
Extensive experience in antitrust matters, especially in the area of economic concentrations