Ranking tables
Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime | Brazil: Contentious
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
- Castelo Branco Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Oliveira Lima & Dall’Acqua Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Almeida Castro, Castro e Turbay Advogados Associados
- Aloisio Lacerda Medeiros Advogados
- Dias & Carvalho Filho Advogados
- SiqueiraCastro - Advogados
Band 3
- Davi Tangerino Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- David Rechulski, Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Mattos Filho 3 Years Ranked
- Paulo Freitas Ribeiro Advogados Associados 3 Years Ranked
- Pinheiro Neto Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Tofic Simantob, Perez, Ortiz Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Joyce Roysen Advogados
- Marcelo Leonardo Advogados Associados
- Maria Elizabeth Queijo e Eduardo M. Zynger Advogados
- Rahal, Carnelós e Vargas do Amaral Advogados
Band 4
- Caputo, Bastos e Serra Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Machado Meyer 3 Years Ranked
- TozziniFreire Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Trench Rossi Watanabe 3 Years Ranked
- Cláudio Figueiredo Costa Advocacia Criminal
- Costa, Coelho, Araujo e Zaclis
- David Teixeira de Azevedo Advogados
- Muylaerte, Kok, Noal e Queiroz Advogados
Band 5
- Corrêa Gontijo Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Demarest Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Dotti Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Huck, Otranto, Camargo Advogados 1 Years Ranked
- Iokoi Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Lefosse Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Madruga BTW 1 Years Ranked
- Mudrovitsch Advogados 1 Years Ranked
- Ráo & Lago Advogados 1 Years Ranked
- Veirano Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Zanin Martins Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Delmanto Advocacia Criminal
Senior Statespeople
- Nilo Batista Nilo Batista & Advogados Associados16 Years Ranked
- Antônio Cláudio Mariz de OliveiraAdvocacia Mariz de Oliveira
- Antônio Nabor Areias BulhõesBulhões & Bulhões Advocacia
- José Carlos DiasDias & Carvalho Filho Advogados
- José Roberto BatochioJosé Roberto Batochio Advogados Associados
- Miguel Reale JúniorMiguel Reale Júnior Advogados
Band 1
- Alberto Zacharias Toron Toron Advogados17 Years Ranked
- Antônio Sérgio Altieri de Moraes Pitombo Moraes Pitombo Advogados17 Years Ranked
- Celso Sanchez Vilardi Vilardi & Advogados Associados17 Years Ranked
- Dora Cavalcanti Cordani Cavalcanti Sion Advogados10 Years Ranked
- Maurício Zanoide de Moraes Zanoide & Braun Sociedade de Advogados13 Years Ranked
- Pierpaolo BottiniBottini & Tamasauskas Advogados
Band 2
- Antenor Madruga Madruga BTW13 Years Ranked
- Davi de Paiva Costa Tangerino Davi Tangerino Advogados6 Years Ranked
- Fernando Castelo Branco Castelo Branco Advogados9 Years Ranked
- José Luis Oliveira Lima Oliveira Lima & Dall’Acqua Advogados9 Years Ranked
- Mário Panseri Ferreira Pinheiro Neto Advogados11 Years Ranked
- Aloisio Lacerda MedeirosAloisio Lacerda Medeiros Advogados
- Antônio Carlos de Almeida CastroAlmeida Castro, Castro e Turbay Advogados Associados
- João Daniel RassiSiqueiraCastro - Advogados
- Marcelo LeonardoMarcelo Leonardo Advogados Associados
- Maria Elizabeth QueijoMaria Elizabeth Queijo e Eduardo M. Zynger Advogados
- Nélio MachadoNélio Machado Advogados
- Theodomiro Dias NetoDias & Carvalho Filho Advogados
Band 3
- David Rechulski David Rechulski, Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Fabio Tofic Simantob Tofic Simantob, Perez, Ortiz Advogados5 Years Ranked
- Juliana Sá de Miranda Miranda e Arcentales Advogados10 Years Ranked
- Marta Cristina Cury Saad Gimenes Huck, Otranto, Camargo Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Paulo Freitas Ribeiro Paulo Freitas Ribeiro Advogados Associados13 Years Ranked
- Rogerio Taffarello Mattos Filho5 Years Ranked
- David Teixeira de AzevedoDavid Teixeira de Azevedo Advogados
- Eduardo MuylaertMuylaerte, Kok, Noal e Queiroz Advogados
- Flávia RahalRahal, Carnelós e Vargas do Amaral Advogados
- Joyce RoysenJoyce Roysen Advogados
- Luciano FeldensFeldens Advogados
- Roberto Delmanto JuniorDelmanto Advocacia Criminal
- Roberto PodvalPodval, Antun, Idalecio Advogados
Band 4
- Fabyola En Rodrigues Demarest Advogados6 Years Ranked
- Frederico Crissiúma de Figueiredo Castelo Branco Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Isadora Fingermann TozziniFreire Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Paula Lima Hyppolito Oliveira Caputo, Bastos e Serra Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi Iokoi Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Rodrigo Dall'Acqua Oliveira Lima & Dall’Acqua Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Cláudio CostaCláudio Figueiredo Costa Advocacia Criminal
- Helena Lobo da CostaCosta, Coelho, Araujo e Zaclis
- Leonardo AvelarAvelar Advogados
Band 5
- Alexandre Knopfholz Dotti Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Caroline Braun Zanoide & Braun Sociedade de Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Conrado Gontijo Corrêa Gontijo Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Flávia Guimarães Leardini Mattos Filho3 Years Ranked
- João Augusto Gameiro Trench Rossi Watanabe4 Years Ranked
- Paula Sion Cavalcanti Sion Advogados2 Years Ranked
- Pedro Ivo Velloso Figueiredo e Velloso Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Sonia Rao Ráo & Lago Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Conrado Donati AntunesDonati Buzanelli Advogados
- Daniel ZaclisCosta, Coelho, Araujo e Zaclis
- Ludmila GrochFlorêncio Filho & Camargo Aranha Advogados
- Marina AraújoCosta, Coelho, Araujo e Zaclis
Up and Coming
- Débora Perez Tofic Simantob, Perez, Ortiz Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Felipe Carvalho Mudrovitsch Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Gabriela Estafania Paredes Arcentales Miranda e Arcentales Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Gustavo Scandelari Dotti Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Lourival Lofrano Junior Pinheiro Neto Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Mariana Tranchesi Ortiz Tofic Simantob, Perez, Ortiz Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Natasha do Lago Ráo & Lago Advogados1 Years Ranked
- Ricardo Küpper Pagés David Rechulski, Advogados3 Years Ranked
- André AzevedoDavid Teixeira de Azevedo Advogados
- Bruno SallesSalles Ribeiro Advogados
Associates to watch
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Cavalcanti Sion AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedCavalcanti Sion Advogados carves out a strong position in the market by advising corporate entities and individuals on complex white-collar crime cases, including money laundering and environmental criminal mandates. The team is experienced advising both national and international clients.
1 Moraes Pitombo AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedMoraes Pitombo Advogados has a distinguished white-collar crime practice. The team is active representing high-profile clients in a range of criminal mandates, including highly sensitive cases in the context of well-known operations. The team is particularly recognised by market commentators for its expertise in matters involving crimes against the economic and financial systems.1 Toron AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedToron, Torihara e Cunha Advogados is a criminal law boutique enjoying an outstanding reputation for its experience on a broad range of white-collar mandates. The talented team is frequently seen advising high-profile clients, including political figures, on sensitive disputes before the higher courts. It is highly skilled at handling matters involving crimes against the financial, tax and electoral orders, including plea bargaining.1 Vilardi & Advogados AssociadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedVilardi & Advogados Associados boasts a notable criminal law practice. The team is skilled at advising both corporate entities and individuals. It is frequently seen representing high-profile figures in highly sensitive cases, including involving well-known operations regarding corruption and other financial crimes allegations. The team is active in a range of criminal disputes, being particularly noted for those in the construction industry.1 Zanoide & Braun Sociedade de AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedZanoide, Braun & Castilho Sociedade de Advogados' renowned team demonstrates strong expertise in a wide range of white-collar crime mandates, including those involving fraud, corruption and money laundering. The team represents executives of high-profile companies from the construction, sanitation and financial services industries, among others, in sensitive cases.
Band 2
2 Castelo Branco AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedCastelo Branco Advogados is active representing both domestic and international clients on white-collar crime mandates, including money laundering and corruption cases. The team is experienced advising corporate entities and individuals. It is further skilled at acting on administrative procedures.2 Oliveira Lima & Dall’Acqua AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedOliveira Lima & Dall'Acqua Advogados offers solid expertise in criminal matters related to financial issues, including money laundering. The team is also able to represent corporate executives on white-collar crime mandates arising from tax and criminal cartel issues. It has further experience handling plea bargaining negotiations.- Almeida Castro, Castro e Turbay Advogados AssociadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 2
Band 3
3 Davi Tangerino AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedDavi Tangerino Advogados maintains a noted practice focused on corporate-related criminal cases, such as financial, tax, environmental and cybercrime issues. The team also offers experience on administrative mandates and is familiar with high-profile individuals and companies from the technology, energy and construction industries.3 David Rechulski, AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedDavid Rechulski Advogados is a criminal law firm endowed with the skills to represent clients on corporate criminal law matters, such as those arising from fraud, corruption and financial crimes. The team is also able to act on administrative-related criminal cases and digital crime issues.3 Mattos FilhoDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedMattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados offers expertise to both individual and corporate entities regarding criminal cases, including fraud, bid rigging and corruption among others. The team is further capable of handling matters related to data breaches and environmental crimes. Clients often emanate from the construction and banking and finance industries.3 Paulo Freitas Ribeiro Advogados AssociadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedPaulo Freitas Ribeiro Advogados Associados is a white-collar crime law firm actively sought out for its expert counsel to both medium and large companies. The firm's main mission is to bring forward the best legal strategies for its clients by providing highly tailor-made services. Among its clients are companies from a wide range of industries in Brazil and abroad, focusing on the energy, logistics, communication, commerce and finance sectors.
3 Pinheiro Neto AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedPinheiro Neto Advogados offers expertise to both individuals and corporate entities regarding criminal matters, including representation in investigations and prosecutions concerning financial crimes such as money laundering. The team also deals with environmental and tax criminal activities. Its client portfolio is composed of important executives and companies from the agribusiness and health industries.3 Tofic Simantob, Perez, Ortiz AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedTofic Simantob, Perez, Ortiz Advogados is a firm with knowledge allowing it to represent clients, including high-profile individuals, in investigations and prosecutions related to corruption, money laundering and charges of criminal organisation. The team also has the ability to act on environmental and taxation crime issues.- Marcelo Leonardo Advogados AssociadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3
- Maria Elizabeth Queijo e Eduardo M. Zynger AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3
- Rahal, Carnelós e Vargas do Amaral AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3
Band 4
4 Caputo, Bastos e Serra AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedCaputo, Bastos e Serra Advogados draws upon its skills to handle corporate criminal law issues, including investigations related to financial crimes, such as money laundering and corruption. The team is also adept at dealing with environmental and tax issues, as well as those concerning data breaches. Its client portfolio is often populated by companies active in the technology, transportation and finance industries, as well as by high-profile individuals.4 Machado MeyerDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedMachado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice has the required skills to act on matters related to financial crime, such as money laundering and corruption charges. It also provides assistance to clients regarding corporate, environmental, tax and digital crime. The firm's client portfolio includes important companies.4 TozziniFreire AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedTozziniFreire Advogados is a full-service firm often retained by players from the telecommunications, technology and infrastructure industries to provide them with white-collar crime assistance in various topics. Its experienced team handles sophisticated investigations and proceedings, also providing legal advice on criminal matters.4 Trench Rossi WatanabeDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedTrench Rossi Watanabe has an established criminal law practice that sees it representing high-profile individuals and corporate entities regarding financial and corporate crimes, including money laundering, corruption, criminal conspiracy, among other issues. The team is also concerned with providing assistance with tax and health criminal investigations. The firm is familiar with clients active in the heath, pharmaceutical and technologies sectors.- Cláudio Figueiredo Costa Advocacia CriminalDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4
- David Teixeira de Azevedo AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4
- Muylaerte, Kok, Noal e Queiroz AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 4
Band 5
5 Corrêa Gontijo AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedCorrêa Gontijo Advogados is a dynamic criminal law practice with experience in a broad range of white-collar crime mandates. The team is particularly noted for its expertise in financial, administrative and environmental crimes. It is well equipped to represent companies, executives and public officials.
5 Demarest AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedDemarest Advogados is regularly seen utilising its knowledge in white-collar mandates representing clients in matters such as bid rigging, money laundering and corruption charges. The firm covers other types of financial crimes, as well as taxation and environmental misdemeanours. Clients often emanate from the construction, food and beverages, technology and pharmaceutical industries.5 Dotti AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedDotti Advogados benefits from its experience in the white-collar crime arena to advise corporate entities and individuals on investigations and judicial disputes. The team is experienced in a number of criminal matters, including related to environmental, tax and financial crimes.5 Huck, Otranto, Camargo AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 1 Years RankedHuck, Otranto, Camargo Advogados is recognised by their dispute resolution expertise that covers many criminal matters such as corporate crime, economic crime, fraud prevention, bribery, embezzlement, tax evasion, and money laundering.
5 Iokoi AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedIokoi Advogados is active in the white-collar crime area advising individuals and corporate entities. The team has experience in a range of criminal matters such as financial crimes, corruption charges, tax evasion and cybercrimes. It has further capabilities to handle mandates with cross-border elements.5 Lefosse AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedLefosse Advogados operates a well-reputed white-collar crime department which handles different mandates in the area. The team advises high-profile companies from the infrastructure, finance and technology sectors on cybercrimes, risk assessments and investigations. Clients also benefit from their experience in cross-border criminal matters.5 5 Mudrovitsch AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 1 Years RankedMudrovitsch Advogados is sought after for their white-collar crime expertise in risk assessment, preventive counselling and representation in criminal proceedings such as crimes against the national financial system, crimes against the national tax system, money laundering, bribery, corruption, and capital flight.
5 Ráo & Lago AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 1 Years RankedRáo & Lago Advogados is a boutique well known for its assistance in a wide range of white-collar and criminal law matters. Clients benefit from the in-depth knowledge of the team on both litigation as well as on consulting cases.
5 Veirano AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedVeirano Advogados is a well-regarded firm retained by national and foreign clients to handle high-profile white-collar crime mandates. The team often acts on corporate investigations and criminal proceedings. It also offers sophisticated legal opinions on complex white-collar crime issues.5 Zanin Martins AdvogadosDispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedZanin Martins Advogados has an active dispute resolution practice often instructed by clients, including high-profile political figures, to handle white-collar crime mandates. The team has experience in a range of mandates, such as those related to corruption charges and electoral crimes. It has additional capabilities in civil litigation and in matters involving cross-border elements.