Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 4


Provided by Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi

Brazil: Contentious

Practice Areas

White-Collar Crime


Founding partner Pedro Iokoi is a white-collar crime specialist. He has an LLB from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo and an LLM and PhD in Criminal Procedure Law from the Universidade de São Paulo.

Pedro coordinates and develops the strategy of action for the most complex cases the firm undertakes. His experience in this field is outstanding and includes anti-fraud work and the defence of C-suite executives and top politicians.

Professional Memberships

- Professor for IBMEC, Cogeae-PUCSP and ESMP Graduation Course;

- Member of CEAPRO – Centro de Estudos Avançados de Processo;

- Former President, Treasure Director and Secretary-General of the Brazilian Bar Association – Sub-section of Pinheiros in São Paulo/SP;

- Coordinator of the Núcleo Pinheiros of the Escola Superior de Advocacia;

- Treasurer Director and Deputy Secretary of the Associação dos Advogados of Pinheiros;

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Brazil: Contentious

Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime - Brazil

Band 4
Individual Editorial
Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi is a criminal law practitioner with experience dealing with high-profile individuals and corporate entities.


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Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime

Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi
Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi
Band 4