Ranking tables
Dispute Resolution: Litigation | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
Band 2
Band 3
- Alexander Hansebout ALTIUS13 Years Ranked
- Hugo Keulers Lydian10 Years Ranked
- Michèle Grégoire Jones Day13 Years Ranked
- Nicolas Résimont Stibbe8 Years Ranked
- Rafaël Jafferali Simont Braun4 Years Ranked
- Sophie Jacmain NautaDutilh15 Years Ranked
- Thales Mertens A&O Shearman10 Years Ranked
- Xavier Taton Linklaters6 Years Ranked
Band 4
- Bert Luyten Laurius8 Years Ranked
- Catherine Longeval Van Bael & Bellis19 Years Ranked
- Gregory Lebrun Baker McKenzie3 Years Ranked
- Ignace Claeys Eubelius9 Years Ranked
- Maxime Berlingin Fieldfisher (Belgium)5 Years Ranked
- Nathalie Colin Freshfields1 Years Ranked
- Olivier Clevenbergh Strelia19 Years Ranked
- Robbie Tas intui cv2 Years Ranked
- Sébastien Champagne Jones Day14 Years Ranked
- Sébastien Ryelandt Strelia14 Years Ranked
- Stefaan Loosveld Linklaters13 Years Ranked
- Tom Schoors A&O Shearman12 Years Ranked
- Cédric AlterJanson
- Paul LefebvreJansen + Lefebvre
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All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Jean-Pierre FierensStrelia | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Senior Statespeople | 19 Years RankedJean-Pierre Fierens is a well-regarded practitioner who assists both public and private clients with contractual litigation and disputes. He also acts as arbitrator in ICC and CEPANI arbitrations, including those relating to construction and investment issues.
S Johan VerbistOmega Law | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Senior Statespeople | 19 Years RankedJohan Verbist of Omega Law is admired for his long-standing expertise across a wide range of litigation. He has a wealth of experience assisting clients with civil and commercial litigation, including banking disputes and construction cases. Verbist is also a member of the Supreme Court of Belgium.S Koen Van den BroeckFieldfisher (Belgium) | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Senior Statespeople | 19 Years RankedKoen Van den Broeck has a stellar reputation for his disputes expertise, offering notable experience in litigation regarding liability claims and corporate disputes.S Paul Alain ForiersSimont Braun | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Senior Statespeople | 18 Years RankedPaul Alain Foriers is highly regarded for his practice before the Supreme Court, representing clients in disputes relating to the division of powers in Belgium, tax and investment issues. As of September 2024, he acts as Dean of the Supreme Court Bar.
Band 1
1 Benoît AllemeerschQUINZ | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 1 | 14 Years RankedBenoit Allemeersch is a leading figure in the Belgian litigation market, advising multinational clients on collective actions, shareholder disputes and post-M&A litigation. He also has an established presence in arbitration, acting as both counsel and arbitrator in ICC and CEPANI proceedings and advising on the enforcement of arbitral awards.
1 Hakim BoularbahLoyens & Loeff | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedHakim Boularbah is renowned for his expertise representing clients in a range of standout international litigation cases relating to shareholder disputes and risk management. He has additional expertise assisting clients with M&A-related arbitration and set-aside proceedings relating to arbitral awards.
Band 2
2 Dorothée VermeirenClifford Chance LLP | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 8 Years RankedDorothée Vermeiren offers a wide range of experience advising on cross-border commercial litigation for multinational clients and also represents public sector clients in damages claims. She is also skilled at handling arbitral award enforcement proceedings and criminal investigations.
2 Joost VerlindenArcas Law | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedJoost Verlinden acts for clients in litigation regarding bankruptcy, competition and insurance disputes. He has considerable experience assisting auditors, shareholders and directors with liability cases and the enforcement of arbitral awards.
2 Oliver StevensStibbe | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 7 Years RankedOliver Stevens represents clients in high-profile disputes pertaining to insurers' liability, bankruptcy proceedings and contract disagreements. He often acts for clients in the financial services sector.
2 Stan BrijsNautaDutilh | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedStan Brijs represents clients in a range of international disputes including post-M&A litigation and professional liability mandates. He has particular expertise in insolvency-related disputes and arbitral award enforcement cases.
Band 3
3 Alexander HanseboutALTIUS | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 13 Years RankedAlexander Hansebout advises clients on competition and commercial litigation, as well as acting for clients on enforcement proceedings.
3 Hugo KeulersLydian | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 10 Years RankedHugo Keulers is particularly well regarded for his work representing clients from the insurance industry in a wide range of disputes, as well as assisting clients with product liability proceedings.3 Michèle GrégoireJones Day | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 13 Years RankedMichèle Grégoire has a strong practice advising clients on bankruptcy and real estate disputes. She acts for clients from the pharmaceutical, financial services and technology industries. She is admitted to the Paris and Brussels Bars and often acts in cross-border disputes involving France. Additionally, she is admitted to appear before the Belgian Supreme Court.
3 Nicolas RésimontStibbe | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedNicolas Résimont represents clients in a wide range of litigation, including corporate disputes, contract breaches and competition law.3 Rafaël JafferaliSimont Braun | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedRafaël Jafferali represents clients in substantial international disputes relating to commercial contracts, as well as offering experience in class actions. He has experience acting for financial institutions, collective claim bodies and state entities.3 Sophie JacmainNautaDutilh | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedSophie Jacmain often represents clients in private damages claims, real estate-related disputes and criminal law proceedings.
3 Thales MertensA&O Shearman | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 10 Years RankedThales Mertens has a strong practice advising multinational clients on disputes relating to bankruptcy and post-M&A disputes. He possesses considerable expertise representing shareholders and directors in litigation matters.
3 Xavier TatonLinklaters | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 3 | 6 Years RankedXavier Taton demonstrates a wide practice assisting clients with administrative, regulatory and commercial disputes in a range of sectors, including transport and energy.
Band 4
4 Bert LuytenLaurius | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 8 Years RankedBert Luyten advises clients on a wide range of post-M&A, contractual and insurance disputes.4 Catherine LongevalVan Bael & Bellis | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 19 Years RankedCatherine Longeval of Van Bael & Bellis has a wide-ranging practice advising clients on contractual and liability disputes, as well as debt recovery proceedings and litigation in the life sciences sector.4 Gregory LebrunBaker McKenzie | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedGregory Lebrun of Baker McKenzie advises a host of multinational corporate clients on disputes relating to insurance, construction and investments. His clients include prominent financial services institutions, as well as tech and luxury goods companies.4 Ignace ClaeysEubelius | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 9 Years RankedIgnace Claeys assists clients with a range of commercial issues, including contract disputes and leasing matters.4 Maxime BerlinginFieldfisher (Belgium) | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedMaxime Berlingin assists with directors' liability cases, construction disputes and post-M&A issues. He has additional experience in disputes and acts for a wide range of domestic and international clients.4 Nathalie ColinFreshfields | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedNathalie Colin of Freshfields handles a wide variety of corporate litigation cases, including damages claims, class action defence, climate-related disputes and contractual litigation. She represents large technology, energy and automotive clients, amongst others.
4 Olivier ClevenberghStrelia | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 19 Years RankedOlivier Clevenbergh acts for clients in post-M&A disputes, as well as assisting clients with internal investigations, shareholder disputes and damages claims. He represents clients from the transport and telecoms industries.4 Robbie Tasintui cv | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 2 Years RankedRobbie Tas has experience advising a variety of clients and is noted for his expertise in shareholder disputes, liability claims and misconduct allegations.
4 Sébastien ChampagneJones Day | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 14 Years RankedSébastien Champagne assists with a range of cross-border disputes, including the private enforcement of damages, tax disputes and regulatory disputes.4 Sébastien RyelandtStrelia | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 14 Years RankedSébastien Ryelandt has a prominent practice defending clients in alleged fraud and liability cases, and is particularly experienced in handling shareholder disputes. He also assists clients with issues regarding garnishment orders.
4 Stefaan LoosveldLinklaters | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 13 Years RankedStefaan Loosveld has a prominent practice defending clients in damages claims, as well as advising on asset-freezing proceedings and garnishment orders.4 Tom SchoorsA&O Shearman | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedTom Schoors advises clients on a wide range of disputes in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. He also offers significant expertise in construction disputes and experience handling litigation related to sanctions compliance.
Up and Coming
U Lauren RaskingA&O Shearman | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedLauren Rasking often advises clients on bankruptcy, real estate and antitrust-related disputes.
U Stijn De DierQUINZ | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedStijn De Dier handles significant corporate litigation, with particular expertise in shareholder disputes, insolvency-related cases and class actions.
Associates to watch
- Nathan TulkensClifford Chance LLP | Dispute Resolution: Litigation2025 | Associates to watch | 1 Years Ranked
Nathan Tulkens showcases skill in the handling of insolvency-related litigation, cartel damages actions, director liability disputes and contractual litigation. He boasts additional expertise in the enforcement of arbitral awards.