Chambers Review
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Senior Statespeople
Senior Statespeople
Senior Statespeople
Provided by Kenneth J Parsigian
Ken Parsigian retired from the partnership in December 2023 and is currently of counsel. Ken was a partner in the firm’s Litigation & Trial Department and Chair of the Boston Litigation & Trial Department, represents clients in both civil and criminal matters, with a primary focus on complex mass tort and RICO litigation. He advises clients on compliance with state, federal, and international laws and regulations concerning product safety, import-export procedures, and anti-money laundering programs.
Ken recently successfully tried two novel class actions and has argued appeals in the First, Second, Third, Sixth, and Eleventh Circuits, as well as in state appellate courts in Massachusetts, Florida, Tennessee, Delaware, and Michigan. His representative mass tort client base has included Philip Morris USA, Philip Morris International, Eli Lilly, Estee Lauder, Playtex, Curtice Burns, CBS, Zoll Medical, CR Bard, and Boston Scientific.
Prior to Latham, Ken was associate independent counsel in the Iran Contra investigation conducted by independent counsel Lawrence Walsh, where he headed the investigation of former US Attorney General Edwin Meese. After graduating law school, he clerked for Judge Stephen G. Breyer on the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
Ken is a member of the Product Liability Advisory Council (PLAC) and has spoken and authored articles on mass tort issues for the Manhattan Institute, ATRA, Defense Research Institute, and Washington Legal Foundation, and taught Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education courses in civil litigation and professional responsibility classes at Boston University School of Law. He also serves on the Board of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights.
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