Practice Areas
Gary P. Gengel represents companies in key environmental matters including major transactions, natural resource damage claims, site investigation and remediation, and toxic tort litigation.
Gary’s experience spans a number of industries including defense, automotive, chemicals, electronics, pulp and paper, food manufacturing, and other industrial sectors. He has worked with every EPA Region and more than 20 of the states, in addition to virtually all of the other federal agencies having regulatory authority on environmental matters, including the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Defense, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Interior. He has represented clients at almost 200 sites across the country, including both counseling and negotiation roles, and both defensive and offensive litigation.
Gary is a Regional Reporter Vice Chair of the American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy and Resources, Superfund & NRD Committee.
He formerly served as the firm's Local Chair of the Environment, Land & Resources Department and Global Co-Chair of the Environmental Regulation & Transactions Practice.