Ranking tables
Intellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright | Europe
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
Band 2
- Gregor Vos Brinkhof19 Years Ranked
- Joris Van Manen HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER19 Years Ranked
- Manon Rieger-Jansen Bird & Bird7 Years Ranked
- Arnout GroenAC&R
- Jesse HofhuisAC&R
Band 3
- Christiaan A Alberdingk Thijm bureau Brandeis19 Years Ranked
- Jacqueline Schaap Visser Schaap & Kreijger16 Years Ranked
- Laura Fresco HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER6 Years Ranked
- Maarten Schut Kennedy Van der Laan13 Years Ranked
- Michiel Odink Leeway17 Years Ranked
- Niels Mulder DLA Piper Nederland19 Years Ranked
- Roderick Chalmers Hoynck van Papendrecht AKD8 Years Ranked
- Thijs van Aerde NautaDutilh8 Years Ranked
- Willem Leppink Ploum19 Years Ranked
- Maarten HaakHoogenraad & Haak
Band 4
- Alexander Tsoutsanis DLA Piper Nederland4 Years Ranked
- Anne Marie Verschuur De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek16 Years Ranked
- Jaap Bremer BarentsKrans14 Years Ranked
- Marga Verwoert Leeway9 Years Ranked
- Marijn Kingma Höcker Advocaten6 Years Ranked
- Paul Tjiam Simmons & Simmons LLP7 Years Ranked
- Radboud Ribbert Greenberg Traurig, LLP5 Years Ranked
- Remco Klöters SOLV Advocaten6 Years Ranked
- Samantha Brinkhuis Hogan Lovells International LLP2 Years Ranked
- Sikke Kingma Pels Rijcken12 Years Ranked
- Anne BekemaAC&R
- Jacqueline SeignetteSeignette Legal
- Kriek Wille&Co Advocaten
- Moïra TruijensKLOS c.s.
- Sven KlosKLOS c.s.
Band 5
- Hidde Koenraad Boekx Advocaten6 Years Ranked
- Joep Meddens Höcker Advocaten1 Years Ranked
- Rogier de Vrey CMS1 Years Ranked
- Timme Geerlof Windt Le Grand Leeuwenburgh3 Years Ranked
- Bertil van KaamVan Kaam Advocaten
- Remco van LeeuwenArnold & Siedsma
Up and Coming
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 BrinkhofIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedBrinkhof is a pre-eminent intellectual property practice in the Netherlands with an outstanding reputation in both soft IP and patent matters. It is one of the leading law firms for defending clients in patent infringement and invalidity cases, as well as representing clients in revocation litigation. The team has notable experience in patent licensing and portfolio matters, as well as questions concerning standard-essential patents. On the soft IP side, it is a top law firm for trade mark enforcement and prosecution matters. Team members also assist clients with EU copyright directives. The law firm is particularly popular with generic pharmaceutical companies, as well as representing clients from the telecommunications, technology, fashion, and food and beverage sectors.
1 De Brauw Blackstone WestbroekIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedDe Brauw Blackstone Westbroek is a market-leading law firm for soft IP matters and also offers a notable patent practice. The law firm has an outstanding reputation for assisting clients with trade mark validity and infringement proceedings, as well as being an esteemed choice for trade secrets disputes, parallel import cases and copyright infringement proceedings. The team is also well known for advising on patent infringement, invalidity and enforcement proceedings. Additionally, team members have experience representing clients in soft IP disputes before the Supreme Court and in handling patent portfolio management matters. De Brauw attracts clients from a range of sectors including technology, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals.
1 HOYNG ROKH MONEGIERIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedHOYNG ROKH MONEGIER is a top-tier law firm for both patent and soft IP mandates. The team is highly esteemed for the enforcement of standard-essential patents and second medical use patents, as well as advising clients on patent infringement and invalidity proceedings. It is also one of the pre-eminent law firms in trade mark injunctions or cancellation proceedings, copyright infringement cases, personality rights, geographical indications and community design matters. The law firm also has notable experience in anti-counterfeiting measures and border seizures. It is particularly popular with clients from the food and beverage, pharmaceutical and technology industries for contentious IP matters.
Band 2
2 Visser Schaap & KreijgerIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 2 | 9 Years RankedVisser Schaap & Kreijger has a strong focus on trade mark and copyright infringement proceedings. The law firm handles a broad range of intellectual property matters, with notable experience in neighbouring rights, as well as acting on anti-piracy regulations. The team is particularly popular with clients from the media and entertainment sector. Team members also have experience handling disputes concerning advertising regulations.
Band 3
3 Bird & BirdIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedBird & Bird is popular with clients from a number of industries, including life sciences, fashion, telecommunications, and food and beverages, for advice on intellectual property infringement proceedings. The law firm acts on both patent and soft IP matters, including revocation and cancellation actions. The team also has experience in rebranding projects and disputes concerning standard-essential patents. It additionally assists with patent portfolio management.
3 DLA Piper NederlandIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedDLA Piper advises clients on infringement, opposition and revocation proceedings for patents, trade marks and copyrights. The law firm also has experience handling parallel import cases and anti-counterfeiting measures, as well as acting on plant variety rights. The team additionally assists with portfolio management matters.3 LeewayIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedLeeway is particularly popular with clients from the retail and fashion industries. The law firm is active on a number of non-contentious matters, including assisting clients with commercial IP agreements. The team also represents clients in contentious matters, such as trade mark opposition and invalidity proceedings and design rights infringement cases.
- Hoogenraad & HaakIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 3
Band 4
4 AKDIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 4 | 14 Years RankedAKD advises clients on contentious copyright and trade mark matters, including infringement and revocation proceedings. The law firm also acts for clients on anti-counterfeiting matters. The team additionally assists with non-contentious matters, such as trade mark portfolio management.4 bureau BrandeisIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 4 | 2 Years Rankedbureau Brandeis has experience advising clients on contentious soft IP matters. This includes trade mark infringement and contract law, as well as copyright enforcement. The law firm also assists clients with anti-piracy issues.
4 Höcker AdvocatenIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedHöcker Advocaten has a strong focus on advising media sector clients on copyright infringement proceedings and disputes regarding copyright levies. The law firm also represents clients in moral rights litigation. The team additionally assists with advertising matters, as well as anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy measures. It has experience acting for collecting societies and artist associations.
4 Kennedy Van der LaanIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 4 | 15 Years RankedKennedy Van der Laan often assists clients with the negotiation of intellectual property licences. The law firm also handles a number of contentious matters, including representing clients in trade mark infringement and invalidity proceedings, as well as advising on trade secrets litigation and copyright disputes. The team has experience in anti-counterfeiting mandates and regulatory compliance obligations.4 NautaDutilhIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 4 | 15 Years RankedNautaDutilh has a strong focus on advising clients on trade mark and copyright infringement proceedings. The team acts for a number of clients from the life sciences, consumer goods, technology and finance industries. The law firm often assists with cancellation actions and parallel import cases. Team members also have experience handling patent disputes.
4 PloumIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedPloum acts for clients from the automotive, tech, consumer goods and luxury industries on both contentious and non-contentious soft IP mandates. This ranges from the management of trade mark portfolios to brand enforcement, anti-counterfeiting issues and copyright infringement.
Band 5
5 Boekx AdvocatenIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 5 | 6 Years RankedAmsterdam-based Boekx Advocaten is a boutique law firm that frequently assists with soft IP mandates. It offers skill in contentious cases, including trade mark infringement and opposition proceedings. The team houses additional expertise in matters pertaining to plant variety rights, IP portfolio management and anti-counterfeiting. The department is sought out by clients from the automotive, technology, entertainment and retail sectors.
5 CMSIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 5 | 7 Years RankedCMS operates a broad IP practice that covers both contentious and non-contentious matters, including trade mark and copyright infringement proceedings, IP enforcement and anti-counterfeiting actions. The team houses additional expertise in patent matters. The department boasts an impressive client list with companies from the technology, entertainment, consumer goods and fashion sectors.
5 Hogan Lovells International LLPIntellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright2025 | Band 5 | 8 Years RankedHogan Lovells advises on a broad range of contentious patent cases, often acting for innovator pharmaceutical companies and telecoms clients. The law firm is well known for assisting with patent infringement cases, enforcement actions, revocation disputes and validity proceedings. The team is also well versed in contentious and non-contentious trade mark and copyright matters, such as infringement proceedings, IP portfolio management and trade mark registration cases. The department holds additional expertise in anti-counterfeiting mandates.