Ranking tables

Environment | Europe


The below Environment rankings table provides market-leading insights on the top ranked lawyers and law firms whose advice and legal services can be purchased in Sweden. The rankings are the result of extensive research by our internal research team, who conduct interviews with in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers who have worked alongside them. Use our table and ranking system to identify the most suited provider of legal services for you.

Rankings overview for Departments

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Fröberg & Lundholm Advokatbyrå
    Fröberg & Lundholm Advokatbyrå
    2025 | Band 1 | 12 Years Ranked
    Fröberg & Lundholm is a strong boutique with vast experience handling environmental law matters, offering extensive expertise in environmental permit processes and related damages disputes. Lawyers at the firm act for a range of clients from the heavy industry, mining and renewable energy sectors. The law firm undertakes mandates involving battery manufacturing, carbon-neutral steel production and major offshore wind developments.
  2. Mannheimer Swartling
    Mannheimer Swartling
    2025 | Band 1 | 12 Years Ranked
    Mannheimer Swartling has a strong practice providing considerable expertise in a range of environmental law matters, including contamination liability and product compliance. The team offers particular expertise in permitting applications, acting for a number of major industries, including the energy sector and governmental bodies. The lawyers in the team assist with environmental risk assessments, transactional mandates and regulatory matters. The law firm offers notable experience in handling significant mining permits in Sweden, providing advice and acting as counsel throughout the court system when required.
  3. Setterwalls
    2025 | Band 1 | 12 Years Ranked
    Setterwalls is a well-reputed law firm offering broad experience in environmental law, advising on regulatory, permitting and contamination issues, as well as transactions and industrial matters. It provides services across Sweden with strong teams in Stockholm, Malmö and Gothenburg. The law firm's clients often include companies from the water, mining and renewable energy sectors, and the team has particularly vast experience in offshore wind farms. Setterwalls offers further expertise in innovative environmental projects involving hydrogen or carbon-neutral production methods.

Band 2

  1. Advokatfirman Vinge KB
    Advokatfirman Vinge KB
    2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years Ranked
    Vinge houses a well-recognised group in environmental law, advising clients on permit applications and contact with public authorities, in addition to acting in contentious cases and on the regulatory aspects of acquisitions. The team offers clients a nationwide practice covering infrastructure projects, mining matters and food production operations. It also has notable experience assisting clients from the energy and industrial sectors, with particular expertise in wind power and waste management.
  2. Delphi
    2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years Ranked
    Delphi offers clients a strong team with expertise in environmental permit applications and trials. The practice also assists with claims and remediation processes relating to contaminated land and acts as counsel on liability issues relating to real estate transactions. The law firm advises private companies and municipalities on regulatory matters regarding construction and energy topics. The lawyers in the team are also active in the shipping sector, advising on harbour activities and connected environmental issues.

Band 3

  1. Advokatfirman Lindahl
    Advokatfirman Lindahl
    2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years Ranked

    Lindahl possesses a strong environmental law practice supporting clients on permitting matters and in contentious cases. The team has extensive experience advising on water-related matters, land remediation and energy infrastructure development permits.

  2. Advokatfirman Åberg & Co AB
    2025 | Band 3
  3. Alrutz' Advokatbyrå
    2025 | Band 3