Ranking tables
Corporate/Commercial | Canada
British Columbia
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
Eminent Practitioners
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
- Arash Amouzgar Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP4 Years Ranked
- Daniel Steiner Norton Rose Fulbright8 Years Ranked
- Graeme Martindale Borden Ladner Gervais LLP3 Years Ranked
- Iain Mant Fasken4 Years Ranked
- Janet Grove KC Norton Rose Fulbright2 Years Ranked
- Jennifer Honeyman Stikeman Elliott LLP4 Years Ranked
- Michael Urbani Stikeman Elliott LLP7 Years Ranked
- Nathan Daniels Mogan Daniels Slager LLP3 Years Ranked
- Pavan Jawanda McCarthy Tétrault LLP5 Years Ranked
- Robin Mahood McCarthy Tétrault LLP8 Years Ranked
Band 4
- Adam Dlin Stikeman Elliott LLP1 Years Ranked
- Ally Bharmal Fasken4 Years Ranked
- Andrew Hennigar Borden Ladner Gervais LLP3 Years Ranked
- Ben Slager Mogan Daniels Slager LLP1 Years Ranked
- Debra Finlay McCarthy Tétrault LLP3 Years Ranked
- Gordon Chambers Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP10 Years Ranked
- Jared Bachynski Stikeman Elliott LLP5 Years Ranked
- Jennifer Archer Borden Ladner Gervais LLP2 Years Ranked
- Joan Chambers Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP7 Years Ranked
- Linda Hogg Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP1 Years Ranked
- Mia Bacic Bennett Jones LLP7 Years Ranked
- Rod Talaifar Sangra Moller LLP1 Years Ranked
- Ted Koffman McCarthy Tétrault LLP9 Years Ranked
- Troy Lehman Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP6 Years Ranked
- William J McFetridge Norton Rose Fulbright9 Years Ranked
Up and Coming
- Amaan Gangji Lawson Lundell LLP1 Years Ranked
- Brad Sollis Norton Rose Fulbright1 Years Ranked
- Charlie McDonald Stikeman Elliott LLP2 Years Ranked
- Denis Silva DLA Piper (Canada) LLP2 Years Ranked
- Jon Conlin Fasken2 Years Ranked
- Julie Bogle Borden Ladner Gervais LLP1 Years Ranked
- Kristopher Miks Norton Rose Fulbright2 Years Ranked
- Kwang Lim Bennett Jones LLP2 Years Ranked
- Maureen Gillis McCarthy Tétrault LLP1 Years Ranked
- Nathaniel S Misri Norton Rose Fulbright2 Years Ranked
- Victor Gerchikov Stikeman Elliott LLP3 Years Ranked
Associates to watch
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S John SmithLawson Lundell LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Senior Statespeople | 10 Years RankedEsteemed lawyer John Smith has longstanding experience advising on corporate and M&A transactions in British Columbia.S Mitchell H. Gropper KCFarris LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Senior Statespeople | 10 Years RankedVancouver-based Mitchell Gropper KC is a seasoned lawyer with a longstanding practice that encompasses strengths in M&A, securities and corporate finance transactions.
Eminent Practitioners
E Cameron Belsher KCMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Eminent Practitioners | 10 Years RankedCameron Belsher KC is a well-established corporate lawyer. He has notable experience advising clients on high-value M&A transactions and splits his time between Toronto and Vancouver.
Band 1
1 Bradley A. NewbyOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedBradley Newby is one of the most highly regarded business lawyers in Vancouver. He is widely acclaimed for his experience in both M&A and financing transactions. He joined Osler in February 2023 after leaving Farris LLP.1 David AllardLawson Lundell LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedVancouver-based David Allard is a top-ranked, seasoned lawyer in the transactional space, regularly assisting clients with M&A and corporate governance matters.1 John-Paul BogdenBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedJohn-Paul Bogden often assists clients in the technology space with domestic and cross-border M&A transactions. He displays additional strength in private equity and venture capital matters, and co-heads the firm's private equity group from Vancouver.1 Jonathan McCulloughBennett Jones LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedJonathan McCullough commands an excellent reputation in the market, which is derived from his handling of both M&A transactions and securities work. Based in Vancouver, he displays additional strength in the investment fund space.
Band 2
2 Bob J. WooderBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years RankedBased in Vancouver, Bob Wooder has a strong reputation for mergers and acquisitions, as well as capital markets transactions. He is especially well known for his work representing clients in the mining sector.2 Christian GauthierBennett Jones LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 2 | 5 Years RankedChristian Gauthier is a highly experienced corporate lawyer with capabilities in both domestic and international M&A transactions. He co-heads the M&A practice at Bennett Jones, splitting his time between Vancouver and Toronto.2 Fred PletcherBorden Ladner Gervais LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years RankedVancouver-based Fred Pletcher is noted for his experienced handling of M&A transactions and matters of corporate governance, acting particularly for clients in the mining sector.2 Sven MilelliMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years RankedSven Milelli is well versed in handling M&A transactions in the energy, mining and construction spaces, among others. He currently serves as the firm's managing partner for the BC region.2 Trevor ScottOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 2 | 6 Years RankedTrevor Scott is noted for his considerable experience representing public and private companies in M&A and debt financing transactions. He represents a range of clients, including First Nations organisations as well as companies in Canada's cannabis sector.
Band 3
3 Arash AmouzgarBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedArash Amouzgar has a growing reputation in British Columbia for his work on a variety of private equity and M&A transactions.3 Daniel SteinerNorton Rose Fulbright | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedVancouver M&A head Daniel Steiner centres his practice on M&A transactions in the technology and infrastructure spaces. He has a wealth of experience in public company work and is also very well versed in private equity.3 Graeme MartindaleBorden Ladner Gervais LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedGraeme Martindale is a Vancouver-based lawyer with a strong reputation for handling national and cross-border M&A transactions and capital markets work. He regularly assists clients operating in the mining, technology and retail sectors.
3 Iain MantFasken | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedIain Mant is an experienced corporate lawyer in Fasken's Vancouver office who frequently advises clients on securities and M&A transactions. He is best known for handling deals occurring in the tech sector.3 Janet Grove KCNorton Rose Fulbright | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 2 Years RankedJanet Grove KC is especially noted for her healthcare and life sciences practice, having previously held a senior in-house position with biotech company QLT. She is regularly called upon to assist with transactions in a wide variety of other sectors as well.3 Jennifer HoneymanStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedVancouver-based corporate and securities partner Jennifer Honeyman regularly advises clients on joint ventures and M&A transactions. She has notable strengths relating to real estate transactions.3 Michael UrbaniStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 7 Years RankedMichael Urbani leads Stikeman's Vancouver corporate group and is well noted for his experienced handling of corporate finance and securities matters in British Columbia. Recent mandates have seen him act for clients in the cannabis sector as well as in the video game industry.3 Nathan DanielsMogan Daniels Slager LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedNathan Daniels is a respected lawyer who has noteworthy experience assisting clients with corporate transactions across Western Canada. He focuses on transactions involving private companies, acting for sellers and investors.3 Pavan JawandaMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years RankedVancouver-based Pavan Jawanda is an experienced lawyer who advises on both domestic and cross-border M&A, as well as venture capital transactions.3 Robin MahoodMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedVancouver partner Robin Mahood has a wealth of experience advising clients on complex M&A and financing transactions.
Band 4
4 Adam DlinStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedAdam Dlin offers a strong track record in private equity investment matters, acting for an array of middle-market investment firms on a broad range of local and cross-border transactional work.
4 Ally BharmalFasken | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 4 Years RankedAlly Bharmal demonstrates notable strengths in the M&A arena in Vancouver, predominantly representing private companies in sectors such as tech and agribusiness.4 Andrew HennigarBorden Ladner Gervais LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedAndrew Hennigar is based in BLG's Vancouver office and has a fast-developing reputation for taking on complex corporate mandates. He frequently supports clients on M&A transactions across a variety of sectors.4 Ben SlagerMogan Daniels Slager LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedBen Slager has a wealth of expertise in sophisticated transactional work, advising a broad range of clients on strategic M&A, growth equity transactions and broader private equity work.
4 Debra FinlayMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedDebra Finlay is a well-respected corporate lawyer based in McCarthy Tétrault's Vancouver office. She frequently assists private equity firms and large-scale corporates with high-value transactional matters.4 Gordon ChambersCassels Brock & Blackwell LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 10 Years RankedGordon Chambers is a respected figure who is well known for his many years of experience handling M&A transactions in Canada's mining sector. In addition to advising on acquisitions and disposals, he is also well versed in securities issuances.4 Jared BachynskiStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedJared Bachynski is noted for his wide-ranging transactional capabilities, spanning M&A, securities and private equity work. He is a key name among the younger generation of partners in Western Canada.4 Jennifer ArcherBorden Ladner Gervais LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 2 Years RankedJennifer Archer is a proficient and versatile lawyer who has successfully advised clients on a range of significant matters. Her expertise covers commercial contracts and corporate governance, as well as overseeing mid-market strategic acquisitions.4 Joan ChambersBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 7 Years RankedJoan Chambers represents clients in a range of transactions, including M&A deals and joint ventures, as well as advising on regulatory matters. She is based in Vancouver, and her expertise cuts across sectors including technology, aquaculture and cannabis.
4 Linda HoggGowling WLG (Canada) LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedLinda Hogg has a wide-ranging corporate practice which sees her frequently called upon for strategic M&A, corporate governance and financing matters. She is held in particularly high esteem for her expertise in mining matters.
4 Mia BacicBennett Jones LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 7 Years RankedMia Bacic maintains a broad-based corporate law practice in Vancouver covering M&A, securities and private equity matters. She is also particularly noteworthy for her experience relating to investment fund formation.4 Rod TalaifarSangra Moller LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedRod Talaifar is a deeply experienced corporate lawyer who excels in a broad array of strategic M&A, equity capital markets and wider corporate governance matters.
4 Ted KoffmanMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 9 Years RankedVancouver-based Ted Koffman advises on M&A, venture capital and corporate reorganisations, among other matters. His clients include technology companies and private equity funds.4 Troy LehmanBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 6 Years RankedVancouver-based Troy Lehman has notable experience advising clients on M&A and other commercial transactions in the technology space.4 William J McFetridgeNorton Rose Fulbright | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Band 4 | 9 Years RankedWilliam McFetridge is a senior lawyer who is experienced in assisting clients with a variety of transactions. He is based in Vancouver.
Up and Coming
U Amaan GangjiLawson Lundell LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedAmaan Gangji excels in a broad range of corporate law issues, frequently advising clients on strategic and private equity transactional matters and on corporate governance matters.
U Brad SollisNorton Rose Fulbright | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedBrad Sollis is called upon for his broad strengths across corporate transactional work, as well as restructuring matters and joint venture agreements.
U Charlie McDonaldStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedCharlie McDonald enjoys a burgeoning reputation for his private capital practice, advising clients on equity and venture capital investments as well as big-ticket buyout and exit work. He also advises on fund formation and securities issues.
U Denis SilvaDLA Piper (Canada) LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedDenis Silva has considerable experience advising mining and natural resources clients, including royalty and streaming companies. His work covers M&A as well as securities listings and financing matters.
U Jon ConlinFasken | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedJon Conlin is an up-and-coming lawyer with particular strengths in transactional matters. His work of late has included notable private equity mandates.U Julie BogleBorden Ladner Gervais LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedJulie Bogle wins praise for her practice, which sees her advise a broad range of corporate clients and underwriters on capital markets transactions and on broader strategic M&A matters.
U Kristopher MiksNorton Rose Fulbright | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedKristopher Miks offers broad strengths in advising clients on corporate law matters, including M&A activity, financing matters and broader corporate governance issues.
U Kwang LimBennett Jones LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedKwang Lim has a strong track record in corporate finance matters, advising emerging companies, mature businesses and wider investors on a broad spectrum of financing and M&A transactions.
U Maureen GillisMcCarthy Tétrault LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedMaureen Gillis enjoys a robust profile for her corporate practice, with clients regularly turning to her for her strong pedigree in M&A transactions. She is held in particularly high regard for her expertise in cross-border corporate and commercial matters involving US entities.
U Nathaniel S MisriNorton Rose Fulbright | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 2 Years RankedNathaniel Misri is an increasingly notable name in the Vancouver market. He is typically active on acquisitions, with experience handling First Nations and healthcare transactions, among other matters.U Victor GerchikovStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Up and Coming | 3 Years RankedVictor Gerchikov handles numerous key transactions for the firm, with additional experience counselling a varied client base on day-to-day corporate governance matters.
Associates to watch
- Ben SchachStikeman Elliott LLP | Corporate/Commercial2025 | Associates to watch | 1 Years Ranked
Ben Schach is an associate who enjoys a strong profile for his corporate law practice, advising on a broad array of M&A, securities law, and broader corporate finance and governance issues.