Ranking tables
Competition/European Law | Europe
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 1
- Erik Söderlind Kastell Advokatbyrå17 Years Ranked
- Johan Carle Mannheimer Swartling19 Years Ranked
- Johan Karlsson Kastell Advokatbyrå19 Years Ranked
- Kristian Hugmark Roschier12 Years Ranked
- Marcus Glader Advokatfirman Vinge KB15 Years Ranked
- Olle Rislund BOKWALL RISLUND Advokatbyrå19 Years Ranked
- Stefan Perván Lindeborg Mannheimer Swartling17 Years Ranked
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
- Claes Langenius Advokatfirman Hammarskiöld & Co AB13 Years Ranked
- Erik Brändt Öfverholm DLA Piper5 Years Ranked
- Fredrik Sjövall Mannheimer Swartling3 Years Ranked
- Trine Osen Bergquist Advokatfirman Schjødt2 Years Ranked
- Eric EricssonAdvokat Eric Ericsson AB
- Joakim SundbomMelander Sundbom Advokatfirma
Up and Coming
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Advokatfirman Vinge KBCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedAdvokatfirman Vinge is a leading firm in the Swedish competition law space. The market-leading firm advises clients on merger control filings, including those requiring phase II proceedings. It is equally strong in behavioural investigations, also representing clients in appeals against decisions and in high-profile follow-on damages actions. The team is a popular choice with clients from the technology sector and often assists them with the Digital Markets Act. The firm also possesses an in-house team of economists.
1 BOKWALL RISLUND AdvokatbyråCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedBOKWALL RISLUND Advokatbyrå remains one of the leading firms on the Swedish competition law market, with notable experience in merger clearance and foreign direct investment filings. The team has further expertise in investigations into alleged abuses of dominance and unlawful collaborations. It also assists clients with state aid mandates.
1 Mannheimer SwartlingCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedMannheimer Swartling remains one of the top firms in Sweden for competition law issues. The team frequently acts on merger control and FSR notifications. It has further experience in behavioural investigations, including into possible abuses of dominance. The firm is a popular choice with clients from the transport sector for advice on state aid matters.
Band 2
2 DelphiCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 2 | 17 Years RankedDelphi handles a broad range of competition law matters, advising clients on merger clearance notifications and representing them in behavioural investigations. The firm also assists clients with competition law compliance issues, including questions of distribution strategy. The team is also highlighted for its knowledge of state aid mandates.
2 Kastell AdvokatbyråCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedKastell Advokatbyrå is particularly noted for its ability to handle behavioural matters, frequently representing clients in investigations into possible cartels and abuses of dominance. The firm offers further expertise in merger clearance filings, sector investigations and contentious state aid matters. It also assists with competition law compliance issues.
2 RoschierCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedRoschier is particularly active in merger clearance and foreign direct investment filings. The firm has additional experience in investigations into allegations of anti-competitive conduct, particularly possible abuses of dominance. The team also represents clients in competition law damages claims.
Band 3
3 Advokatfirman Cederquist KBCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedAdvokatfirman Cederquist frequently acts for clients on merger clearance and foreign direct investment notifications. The firm has further experience in behavioural matters, including representing clients in possible abuse of dominance cases and damages actions. The team additionally acts on competition law compliance mandates and state aid matters.
3 Advokatfirman SchjødtCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 3 | 13 Years RankedAdvokatfirman Schjødt particularly assists clients with merger control and foreign direct investment filings, including advising on phase II merger investigations. The firm has further experience in abuse of dominance investigations.
Band 4
4 Advokatfirman Hammarskiöld & Co ABCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedAdvokatfirman Hammarskiöld & Co often defends clients in major competition damages actions. It is also notably active in competition law compliance mandates, including around information exchange and distribution systems. The law firm additionally advises on merger control filings for private equity houses and represents clients in complaints of anti-competitive behaviour.
4 Cirio Advokatbyrå ABCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedCirio Advokatbyrå frequently assists clients with obtaining competition law approval for proposed mergers. The firm has additional experience in state aid matters, and also represents clients in behavioural investigations.
4 SetterwallsCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedSetterwalls represents clients in investigations into allegations of anti-competitive behaviour, including abuses of dominance and unlawful coordination. The firm also acts on merger clearance notifications.
4 Snellman Advokatbyrå ABCompetition/European Law2025 | Band 4 | 15 Years RankedSnellman Advokatbyrå is particularly noted for its ability to assist clients with merger clearance and foreign direct investment notifications. The firm has additional experience in behavioural investigations, including into possible cartels.