Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Contact number
+46 (0) 8 525 254 00Provided by BOKWALL RISLUND Advokatbyrå
We help our clients to achieve their goals in compliance with Swedish and international competition rules. In addition to ongoing legal advice, we provide the following services:
Merger control
Our extensive work in merger control matters enables us to provide highly specialised services and efficient working methods in guiding a merger, a joint venture or an acquisition through the relevant competition authorities around the world.
Abuse of dominant position
Whether we are advising a dominant company, a challenger or a customer, our clients can rely on us to have the relevant experience in applying the often complicated economics inherent in dominance cases.
Cartel investigations and sector inquiries
We provide our clients with an all-encompassing service which includes dawn raid assistance, representation in cartel investigations and subsequent litigation as well as negotiation and coordination of leniency/immunity applications.
Antitrust litigation
We provide assistance in all types of competition law related disputes and represent clients in antitrust arbitration matters. Our team members have worked in the Swedish court system and have significant experience from antitrust litigation related to cartels, abuse of dominant position and damages.
Compliance and training
When developing a compliance program together with a client we ensure that the program is sector and company specific and that procedures are put in place to ensure that the program is adhered to in practice.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by BOKWALL RISLUND Advokatbyrå
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers