Practice Areas
Sophie specialises in complex family cases, supporting clients to resolve their financial affairs and arrangements for their children following separation or divorce. Sophie is recognised in Chambers as combining “a number of skills that make her terrific; she is exceptionally calm under pressure and really good on the detail of a case… very pragmatic, always ten steps ahead”.
Sophie advises clients on all aspects of family law, with a particular focus on financial issues arising on divorce and the arrangements for children after parents separate.
Sophie’s financial cases frequently have an international dimension, often involving trusts, inherited wealth or family businesses with complex issues of valuation. Her clients include entrepreneurs, business owners, celebrities, City professionals, and their spouses/partners.
Sophie also has a leading practice in children cases, advising clients in respect of the arrangements for children following separation, disputes in relation to key decisions affecting children (to include parentage, the exercise of parental responsibility, schooling, change of name) and applications by one parent to relocate abroad.
Sophie graduated from Cambridge University (French, German and Law). She joined Stewarts in 2017, after nine years at Withers.
Sophie is a regular contributor of articles to legal publications and the wider media. Recent articles and appearances include:
How to have a ‘good’ divorce
How to resolve disputes as to where your child will spend Christmas
Podcast: Appeals in family law