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Public Law


2 Years Ranked


Provided by Murilo Melo Vale

Brazil: Industries & Sectors


Murilo Melo Vale is the head of the public law department of Tavernard Advogados.

He has a doctorate degree ("PhD") in Public Law and a Master´s degree ("MsC") in the same area. He is also professor of Public Law at several universities, including the most renowned Law School in Brazil (UFMG). He was a visiting scholar in University of Coimbra, Portugal. Furthermore, the Head of Public Law organizes and coordinates research associations in the field, along with corporations and public entities, in order to find innovative solutions in the field. Therefore, Dr. Vale is a vice-president of a regional law and economics association. Mr. Vale has extensive academic publications in the scope of Public Law, including the preparation of legal books and articles in scientific journals.

Practice Areas

Public Law, Compliance and Anti-corruption; Infrastructure and Projects; Regulatory.

Special focus in public procurement, compliance and regulation in the areas involving natural resources and public utilities, such as energy, water and sewage, cases involving environmental impacts, in structuring concessions, due diligences and dispute resolutions. Mr. Vale had a remarkable participation in the structuring of infrastructure projects of major nation impact, being in direct contact with high-level corporate managers of infrastructure corporations and public officers, aiming at the non-contractual resolution of disputes arisen from infrastructure contracts and projects. He also has a lot experience with cases involving compliance and audit offices.


Published Books of own authorship:

1. "Obrigações de Serviços Públicos no Setor Privado"(Editora Fórum, 2022);

2. "Desapropriações" (Editora Lumen Juris, 2018);

3. "A Natureza Jurídica do Princípio Democrático na Função Administrativa". (Editora Lumen Juris, 2018).

Publication in books of collective authorship:

4. "Qualificação técnico-operacional: evolução normativa e reflexões jurídicas sobre o caráter subsidiário da exigência de experiência pretérita da pessoa jurídica no âmbito da Lei nº 14.133/2021". In: Nova Lei de Licitações e Contratos – Lei nº 14.133/2021: Debates, perspectivas e desafios. (Editora da Câmara dos Deputados, 2023);

5. "A Mineração e a CFEM como novo fôlego às Parcerias Público-Privadas". In: Estudos sobre Tributação da Mineração. (Editora Casa do Direito, 2021);

6. "Liberalização e evolução da livre concorrência no mercado da energia no Brasil, Estados Unidos da América e União Europeia: um estudo comparado para demonstração dos fatores prejudiciais ao estabelecimento de um mercado energético competitivo". In: Direito de Energia e Áreas afins - Tomo IV. (Editora Synergia Energia, 2020);

7. "A Inadmissibilidade da Exação Municipal de Parcela de Terreno Objeto de Desmembramento do Solo". In: Direito em Foco - V. 3. (Editora Casa do Direito, 2019);

8. "A Evolução do Setor Público Não Estatal na História Administrativa Brasileira". In: Direito em Foco - V. 2. (Editora Casa do Direito, 2019);

9. "A Permanência da lacuna normativa na agenda de combate à corrupção: a estratégia adotada pelo UK Bribery Act e a conveniência na responsabilização de atos de corrupção entre particulares". In: Sistema Anticorrupção e Empresa. (Editora D'Plácido, 2018);

10. "Disposições finais e transitórias e análise comparativa do Decreto nº 7.892/2013 com outras regulamentações sobre Registro de Preços". In: Registro de Preços: análise crítica do Decreto Federal nº 7.892/2013. (Editora Fórum, 2014).

In addition to these publications, Murilo Melo Vale has more than 40 publications in legal publications of national and international scope.

Work Highlights

Below is a description of some relevant works carried out in the area:

- Dispute Board Resolution of the Project Finance Initiative (PPP) of the Penal Complex of the State of Minas Gerais: 3rd Member of the technical committee of conflict resolution;

- United Nations Program (UNDP) and Ministry of Economy and Foreign Affairs: Legal coordinator of a project to develop methodology and indicators to evaluate the performance of federal state-owned enterprises in the execution of public policies, as well as their application in selected state-owned enterprises.

- BNDES: acting in due diligence, environmental assessment and projects aimed at presentation of studies for the privatization of CEASAMINAS and CEAGES;

- Government of the State of Minas Gerais - CODEMGE: Legal coordinator in the presentation of studies for the privatization of projects in operation by CODEMGE;

- Government of the State of Minas Gerais: legal coordinator of a project for the elaboration of the state mining plan;

- Eletronorte/Eletrobrás: Legal coordinator in due diligence projects, environmental assessment and performance in operation for exchange of shares;

- Government of the State of Minas Gerais: Acting as legal advisor in a group of concessions and Public-Private Partnerships of the government transition team;

- BNDES, BDMG and Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: legal advisor in a project to structure a technical collaboration between the company WayCarbon, BNDES, BDMG, Government of the United Kingdom for the financing for the development of public policies in Brazil.

- Chamber of Deputies (Brazilian Congress): project structuring for construction and management of new annexes of the National Congress;

- TERRACAP - Companhia Imobiliária de Brasília: Legal coordinator in a consulting project for structuring development in the mining area for the Government of the Federal District and structuring government contracts;

- Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (Sanepar): Legal coordinator in a consulting project to structure the reversal of assets and compensation in the finalization of SANEPAR's sanitation concession with the Municipality of Londrina/PR;

- State of Paraná: structuring of a project for the concession of environmental parks in the State;

- Ministry of Defense: Acting in conflict resolution in a government contract, signed between the Ministry of Defense and the company Concert Technologies S.A., pertinent to the project of launching space rockets at the Alcantara Launch Base;

- CASAL – Companhia de Saneamento de Alagoas: due diligence and analysis of regulatory risks;

- CASAN – Companhia Catarinense de Águas e Saneamento: Due diligence project and regulatory risk analysis

- CELESC – Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina: Due diligence project and regulatory risk analysis;

- Acting in relevant litigation and regulatory issues involving contracts with the Federal Government, state-owned companies and other public entities;

- Structuring of concession projects and public-private partnership in the area of water and sewage in different municipalities;

- Relevant work in punitive proceedings of the Brazilian anti-corruption law;

Industry Sector Expertise

Government; Enviromental; Aerospace & Defence; Power industry; Water and sewage; Construction and Infrastructure; Education; Health Care; Industrial Engineering; Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences; Software & Computer Services; Technology, Hardware & Electronics; Telecommunications; Transportation; Food Supply; Agroindustry.

Professional Memberships

- Vice-president of Institute of Law and Economics of Minas Gerais State

- Member of the Administrative Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB – Minas Gerais)


Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Doctorade degree (PhD) in Public Law

2017 - 2020

Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Master degree (MsC) in Public Law

2012 - 2015

Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Bachelors in Law

2004 - 2009

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Government and Public Sector

Property, Construction and Infrastructure

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Energy and Utilities

Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT)