Practice Areas
Clients turn to Frank when they need a competition lawyer with authority, a global reputation and extensive knowledge of the world’s competition law regimes.
Frank draws on over 30 years’ experience to defend his clients’ interests in EU and multijurisdictional competition procedures and investigations.
With increasing intra-agency co-operation in merger and cartel investigations, clients need a globally co-ordinated defence. Frank’s practice has brought him before the European Commission, Germany’s Bundeskartellamt and other key global authorities, including the US DOJ and FTC and China’s Mofcom, in some of the most complex merger transactions and investigations into anti-competitive practices. He is also an experienced litigator before the European courts in Luxemburg.
Frank speaks German, English and French.
Partner (1990), office managing partner (1990-2000), Co-head Global Competition Practice (2000-2006), Chairman Finance & Risk Committee (2009-2015), member Partnership Council (2016-); ICN Non-Governmental Advisor (2002-); advisory board Max Planck Institute for Competition and Innovation (2006-).
Professional Memberships
Member of the board of editors of Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht (Journal of Competition Law)
Non-governmental adviser to the delegations of the European Commission, the US Department of Justice and Germany’s Bundeskartellamt at International Competition Network (ICN) conferences since the formation of the ICN in 2001
Former Chairman of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (the Antitrust Lawyers Association for Germany, Austria and Switzerland) from 2006 to 2018
Member of Freshfields' partnership council, the firm’s strategy and decision-making body
Previously managing partner of Freshfields' Brussels office, co-head of the firm's global antitrust, competition and trade group and chair of its finance and risk committee
Universities of Bonn (Dr iur, 1984) and Georgia, US (LL.M., 1982).