Chambers Review
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Eminent Practitioners
Provided by Francisco Álvarez
Litigation and Arbitration, Banking Law, Negotiations, Telecommunications, Corporate and Business Law.
Founding partner and co-head of the Litigation practice of the Firm. Has led the litigation team in numerous notable litigation and arbitration cases, including several bank fraud cases where the Firm represented the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic.
Dominican Bar Association.
Author of “Fianza de Solvencia Judicial” (Judicial Solvency Bail), “Principales Dificultades en la Resolución de Conflictos Electorales: el caso dominicano” (Main Difficulties in the Resolution of Electoral Conflicts: the Dominican case), “La Ciudadanía en los Procesos de Rendición de Cuentas” (The Citizens in the Processes for Accountability), “MoU en la Práctica Dominicana” (MoU in the Dominican Practice), “Breve Historia del Derecho Dominicano” (Brief History of Dominican Law), “Aplicación del convenio arbitral a partes no signatarias” (Application of the arbitration agreement to non-signatory parties), “Necesidad de vincular los controles concentrado y difuso de constitucionalidad de la norma” (Need to link the constitutional control of the law) , “Joint Ventures” (coauthored with Sarah De León Perelló), “El Arbitraje Internacional en la República Dominicana” (International Arbitration in the Dominican Republic, coauthored with William Headrick).
He has participated as lecturer in numerous national and international seminars, such as: “Judicial Independence and a State of Law Culture: the Dominican case”, “Alternative Dispute Resolution: advantages as a corporate tool”, “Analysis and Perspectives on Commercial Arbitration in the Dominican Republic”, “Control Mechanisms in the Public Administration”, “Managing Bank Frauds under the new Code for Criminal Procedures”, “Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Dominican Republic”, “Diverse Forms of Lawyer Societies”, “Arbitration in Comparative Law”, “The Circulation of Contracts”, “Judicial Solvency Bail”, “History of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Dominican Republic”, among others.
Francisco Álvarez has academic experience as a professor of the Law Faculty of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña University (UNPHU), and currently as a Contract Law professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM).
Bachelor of laws, Magna cum Laude, 1980, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña. Masters in Constitutional and Public Law, Universidad Castilla La Macha, Spain, 2012. Spanish; Conversational and reading ability in English.
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Francisco Álvarez is one of the most experienced lawyers when it comes to dispute resolution in the Dominican Republic.
Francisco Álvarez is one of the most experienced lawyers when it comes to dispute resolution in the Dominican Republic.