Ranking tables

Competition/European Law | Europe


The below Competition/European Law rankings table provides market-leading insights on the top ranked lawyers and law firms whose advice and legal services can be purchased in Finland. The rankings are the result of extensive research by our internal research team, who conduct interviews with in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers who have worked alongside them. Use our table and ranking system to identify the most suited provider of legal services for you.

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Band 1

  1. Borenius
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 1 | 34 Years Ranked
    Borenius is one of the top law firms in the Finnish competition market, with impressive activity in state aid cases, representing both corporate clients and municipalities before the European Commission. The law firm is notably active on merger clearance mandates. It also acts for clients on cartel and price maintenance investigations before competition authorities across the Nordic region. Team members offer additional experience in public procurement mandates. The team is particularly popular with clients from the transport and media sectors.
  2. Krogerus
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 1 | 34 Years Ranked
    Krogerus stands out for its ability to represent clients in FCCA investigations into allegations of anti-competitive collusion and in appeals against decisions. The law firm also offers notable expertise in merger clearance filings, including acting on phase II investigations. In addition, the team has experience in state aid matters, public procurement disputes and competition law compliance mandates. The team acts for industry federations, public sector bodies and companies from the transport industry.
  3. Roschier
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 1 | 34 Years Ranked
    Roschier particularly stands out for its strength in merger clearance and foreign direct investment mandates, often acting for private equity investors. The law firm additionally represents clients in antitrust investigations and follow-on damages claims. Team members have further experience in state aid and public procurement matters. The firm further acts for clients from the TMT sector.
  4. Frontia Attorneys
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. Avance Attorneys
    Avance Attorneys
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 2 | 20 Years Ranked
    Avance Attorneys is noted for its strength in merger clearance notifications, with a particular focus on transactions that involve filings in several of the Nordic jurisdictions. The law firm is a popular choice with private equity houses and investment funds. In addition, the team handles compliance matters, dawn raids and public procurement disputes.
  2. Castrén & Snellman
    Castrén & Snellman
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 2 | 34 Years Ranked
    Castrén & Snellman often assists clients with merger clearance mandates. The team acts for clients from the energy, pharmaceutical and automotive sectors. The law firm additionally advises on behavioural investigations and appeals against Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority decisions. Team members act on state aid and procurement disputes.
  3. Dittmar & Indrenius
    Dittmar & Indrenius
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 2 | 32 Years Ranked
    Dittmar & Indrenius assists clients with a range of antitrust issues, advising on merger clearance mandates and state aid litigation. The law firm further acts on behavioural investigations and competition compliance queries. Team members assist clients with public procurement topics. Several of the firm's clients are in the private equity and technology sectors.
  4. Hannes Snellman
    Hannes Snellman
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 2 | 34 Years Ranked
    Hannes Snellman often advises clients on obtaining competition law approval for mergers. The law firm also offers advice on broader competition law matters, such as behavioural investigations, damages claims, state aid complaints, public procurement queries and antitrust compliance. The team represents clients from the energy and transport industries, as well as acting for private equity investors and public bodies.

Band 3

  1. HPP Attorneys Ltd
    HPP Attorneys Ltd
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 3 | 34 Years Ranked
    HPP Attorneys offers a broad competition law practice, advising clients on both behavioural investigations and merger clearance mandates. The law firm further assists with foreign direct investment filings and competition compliance queries. The team has a number of clients from the energy and transportation sectors.
  2. Merilampi Attorneys Ltd
    Merilampi Attorneys Ltd
    Competition/European Law
    2024 | Band 3 | 34 Years Ranked
    Merilampi Attorneys assists clients with competition and public procurement matters. The law firm often acts on merger clearance mandates, including phase II investigations. In addition, it has represented clients in antitrust damages claims.