Toma is a partner in Real Estate with more than 15 years of experience in Real Estate, Agribusiness and Contract law. Tomaz advises clients on the structuring of several real estate developments of multiple use, logistics parks, tourist resorts and hotels. He coordinated several negotiations and due diligence, enabling the acquisition of more than 300,000 hectares for his clients. He also advises foreign entities to invest in rural properties. He assists property owners and lessees on the negotiation of lease agreements, including built to suit and sale & leaseback agreements and pension funds and family offices in the management of their real estate portfolio. Tomaz also assists clients on capital markets transactions, especially issuance of certificates of real estate receivables. He earned a LLM in the Christian Albrechts Universität-Kiel and is a member of the firm’s German Desk.
Bachelor of Laws, UniFMU. Master of Laws (LL.M.), Christian Albrechts Universität-Kiel (Germany). Extension course in Real Estate Law, Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Extension course in Agribusiness Law, Insper. Languages: Portuguese; English; German.