Chambers Review
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Band 4
Provided by Nan Sato
International Employment
Nan Sato is a partner in the Fisher Phillips Philadelphia office. She advises international companies on employment matters around the globe. She also has extensive experience in the labor and employment law aspect of sports.
Nan regularly represents U.S. companies operating abroad as well as foreign companies who are looking to expand into the U.S. market. Nan is a Registered Foreign Lawyer (Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi) in Japan and an attorney at Field-R Law Offices in Tokyo, Japan. As a U.S. attorney with both Chinese and Japanese legal knowledge, she is uniquely situated to examine issues from the view point of U.S. companies and provide them with the practical solutions for their operations in China and Japan.
Nan’s employment law expertise is not limited to Asia. She frequently advises employers on their international employment issues in Europe, the Middle East, Canada, and Latin America. She counsels clients globally on establishment of new international operations, acquisition of employees, termination processes, international labor relations, as well as cross-border employment disputes.
Lecturer, Master in International Sports Law, ISDE Law Business School
Member, American Bar Association Labor & Employment Section
Member, AIJA
Member, Sports Lawyers Association
Member, Women In Sports Law
Member, LawInSport
Member, Inter-Pacific Bar Association
Member, Philadelphia Bar Association
Member, American Sailing Association
Member, International Employers Forum
J.D., 2012, cum laude, University of Illinois College of Law
B.A., 2008, summa cum laude, Temple University
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