Luis has published several articles and papers for different publishers, on both general and specialised topics. These include:
‘Agency agreements (civil, commercial, public, employment and international contracts and their tax implications)’. Thomson-Reuters Aranzadi, 2014.
‘Judgement delivered by the Supreme Court on 9 September 2009: The nullity of the extension clause optional for the lessee and compulsory for the lessor in lease agreements related to business premises’. In: Comentarios a las Sentencias de unificación de Doctrina, volumen 3. Dykinson, 2010.
‘Judgement delivered by the Supreme Court on 9 September 2009: A failure to notify and lack of subrogation caused due to retirement of the lessee in relation to the leasing of business premises prior to 9 May 1985’. In: Comentarios a las Sentencias de unificación de Doctrina, volumen 4. Dykinson, 2011.
‘Expiry and lawfulness of the action filed to challenge corporate agreements’ In: Comentario práctico a la nueva normativa de gobierno corporativo Dykinson, 2015.