Chambers Review
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Senior Statespeople
Provided by Bernhard Hainz
Bernhard Hainz is one of the leading specialists in Austria and for more than 30 years has primarily advised companies in all areas of contentious and non-contentious employment law matters, including the negotiation of collective agreements, works agreements, social plans, disputes with works councils and employees, service agreements and dissolution agreements as well as pension and pension fund matters.
Through his former work as an assistant at the Institute for Labour and Social Law at the University of Vienna, Bernhard Hainz and his team combine prodigious academic expertise with many years of practical experience.
Bernhard Hainz is also active in the field of art law and represents artists and art institutions in Austria and abroad.
International Bar Association (IBA)
European Employment Lawyers’ Association (EELA)
International Association for Defence Counsels (IADC)
President, Hans Schmitz Gesellschaft (an organisation which hosts research seminars on matters of employment law and social law)
Arbeitsrechts Kommentar (Employment Law Commentary, German publication), (co-author), MANZ
Das Arbeits –und Sozialrecht in CEE (Employment Law and Social Law in the CEE, German publication), (publisher), MANZ
Dienstnehmerhaftungsprivileg bei Führungskräften? (Employee liability privilege for senior managers?, German publication), Commemorative publication for Dr. Johannes Reich-Rohrwig (2014)
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