Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Band 2
Provided by Jens Winter
Jens Winter has many years of experience in representing national and international clients before courts and authorities. He also has extensive practical experience in the implementation and execution of corporate restructurings and the spin-off and integration of (partial) operations in the course of (international) business transfers. In addition, he was involved in the examination and execution of (cross-border) transactions on several occasions under employment law.
ASGG - Arbeits- und Sozialgerichtsgesetz. Hrsg. Köck/Sonntag
Ist-Lohnklauseln und Unterentlohnung (Actual salary clauses and unlawfully low pay, German publication), ecolex 2017, 280
Doppelt hält besser - Zweifache Mitwirkungsbefugnis des BR bei Änderungskündigung (Better safe than sorry – The works’ council has double rights of participation in notices of dismissal pending a change of contract, German publication), ecolex 2016, 994, Krömer/Winter
Schicksal einer Betriebspensionszusage bei Betriebs(teil)übergang (The fate of a works pension plan when ownership of a business is (partly) transferred, German publication), ZAS 2016/40, Stella/Winter
Übernahme der Konventionalstrafe nicht mehr wettbewerbswidrig? (Does accepting a fine for breaching contract no longer constitute a breach of non-competition clauses?, German publication) ecolex 2015, 55, Stella/Winter
Rechnungslegungspflicht von Pensionskassen (Duty for pension schemes to prepare financial statements, German publication), ecolex 2014, 258, Winter/Eberhartinger
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers