Chambers Review
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Band 1
Provided by David B Farer
Co-Chair, Environmental Department. Nationally-renowned, concentrates on impact of environmental laws on transactions and real property in New Jersey and around country, and litigation arising from these issues. Focus includes cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties and brownfields, environmental compliance, insurance, due diligence, Superfund, contractual protection techniques, brownfield funding, transaction triggered environmental laws, environmental issues in bankruptcies, sustainable initiatives. Special master and mediator in environmental litigations. Serves on Panel of Mediators of U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey.
Prior to joining Greenbaum Rowe in 2012, chaired the Environmental and Brownfields practice group at Farer Fersko, where he established that firm’s environmental practice in 1984. Developed and chaired two longstanding ALI-ABA/ALI CLE national programs; develops and presents numerous seminars for NJICLE on ISRA, site remediation, brownfield redevelopment. Currently active in developing pro bono projects in Cuba on behalf of the American College of Environmental Lawyers.
American College of Environmental Lawyers: Fellow and Past President, Co-Chair, International Pro Bono Committee, Chair, Cuba Working Group
American Bar Foundation;
American Bar Association, New Jersey State Bar Association
Among many: ‘ISRA Compliance: Environmental Issues in Transactions and Brownfields Redevelopment’ (ICLE 2013, 8th Ed.); ‘Contractual Allocation of Environmental Risks in Transactions’ (ALI CLE 2013)
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