Practice Areas
Dafydd is a child care practitioner with expertise in all areas of both public law (including NAHI, FFI and sexual abuse) and private law, including external/internal relocation, FLA 1996 work, implacable hostility, parental alienation, expert psychiatric/psychological opinion, substance misuse (drug and alcohol), mental health issues. LGBT + parenting work.
Cases: Re J (a child)[2012] EWHCC 3353 (fam), O – M (children)[2009] EWCA Civ 1405, A Local Authority v J [2008] EWHC 1484 (fam).
Called 1997. Dafydd started his career at 7 Bedford Row as a Common law Barrister and has an understanding of the criminal aspects of cases. He is often brought in to cases where there may be a Quasi – Criminal/fact finding aspect to them. Dafydd has appeared at all levels of Court (save the Supreme Court).
Professional Memberships
Gray’s Inn, FLBA
Dafydd has run a PLO course (Butterworths), lectured on private law updates (RELATE) and undertaken in - house public law courses for Solicitor firms. LEDLET (Lord Edmund Davies Legal Educ Trust) mentor, a mentor for the Middle Temple Access to the Bar Award Placement and has sat as a Judge for the Welsh Legal Awards.