Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 1



19 Years Ranked


Provided by Andreas Ziegenhagen


Practice Areas

Andreas Ziegenhagen is European Head of Dentons’ Restructuring Group. He covers the areas of Mergers and Acquisitions (legal and tax advice), Insolvency Law, Corporate and Tax Law as well as Banking and Finance.

Andreas regularly advises financial restructuring projects (lender and debtor. He represents regularly group of bondholders and promissory note loan holders (Schuldscheindarlehensgläubiger) and. Andreas advises on distressed M&A transactions and acts as a double-sided trustee including other lender led solutions in distressed situations. In debtor-in-possession insolvency proceedings Andreas acts as a fully authorized representative (Chief Insolvency Officer) for restructuring by insolvency plan proceedings. He is one of the few German lawyers who is both a qualified accountant and a tax consultant.

Andreas is a Partner at Dentons in Frankfurt/Berlin and Director of Dentons GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Steuerberatungsgesellschaft. Prior to joining Dentons in 2006, Andreas spent his entire career at Haarmann Hemmelrath & Partner, where he became partner in 2001 and head of the Corporate Recovery and Insolvency practice group in 2004. Andreas was Dentons' managing partner in Germany from 2013 to 2024. He is member of the Global Board of Dentons. Andreas is also publisher of the insolvency law magazine ZInsO FOKUS Sanierung, Wolters Kluwer Verlag and a member of the Executive Committee of the Insolvency and Restructuring Working Group of the German Bar Association (DAV).


Dentons Partner since 2006; Haarmann, Hemmelrath & Partner – Head of Corporate Recovery and Insolvency Practice Group (Partner 2001-2005 and Associate 1997-2001); Freie Universität Berlin – Research Assistant Corporate Law (1995-1997).

Professional Memberships

TMA Germany, INSOL Europe, American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI).


Andreas has contributed to several books and published numerous articles on distressed M&A, financial restructuring, tax and insolvency law including preventive restructuring frameworks.

Latest Books:

● Co-author, “Steuerrecht in der Sanierung,” “M&A-Transaktionen in der Krise/Distressed M&A,” “Doppelnützige Treuhand,” in: Schmidt (Hrsg.): Hamburger Kommentar zum Restrukturierungsrecht, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 4th edition 2024

● Co-author, “Unternehmenskauf in Krise und Insolvenz,” in: Denkhaus/Ziegenhagen, RWS Verlag, 4th edition, 2022

● Co-author, “Die doppelnützige Treuhand als Restrukturierungsinstrument,” in: Thierhoff/Müller (Hrsg.): Unternehmenssanierung, C.F. Müller, 3th edition 2022

● Co-author, “Steuerrecht in der Sanierung,” “M&A-Transaktionen in der Krise/Distressed M&A,” “Doppelnützige Treuhand,” in: Schmidt (Hrsg.): Hamburger Kommentar zum Restrukturierungsrecht, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 3th edition 2022

● Co-author, “Sanierungsmoderation,” in: Morgen (Hrsg.): StaRUG, Kommentar zum Gesetz über den Stabilisierungs- und Restrukturierungsrahmen für Unternehmen, RWS Verlag, 2nd edition 2022

● Co-author, “Steuerrechtliche Grundsätze und Probleme im Rahmen der Sanierung sowie der Betriebsfortführung,” in: Bieg/Borchardt/Frind (Hrsg.): Unternehmenssanierung und Betriebsfortführung, Beck Verlag, 2021

Latest Articles:

● "Gesellschaftsrecht versus Restrukturierungsrecht gemäß StaRUG in der Unternehmenskrise,” ZInsO, 2025, pp. 337-343

● Co-author, "Restrukturierung ohne Gesellschafterbeschluss?,” Börsen-Zeitung, 2024

● "Entwicklung des Sanierungs- und Restrukturierungsrechts,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2023, pp. 876-879

● “Sechs Monate StaRUG – Bewertung der ersten Rechtsprechung zur Anwendung des neuen Restrukturierungsgesetzes,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2021, pp. 2053-2061

● “Magische Mehrheitsentscheidung – Seit Jahresbeginn gibt es neue Möglichkeiten bei der Restrukturierung von Schuldscheinen,” FINANCE Sonderbeilage Top-Kanzleien, March/April 2021

● “Die 10 wichtigsten im Jahr 2020 veröffentlichten höchstrichterlichen Gerichtsentscheidungen für die Sanierungs- und Restrukturierungspraxis,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2021, pp. 44-49

● Referentenentwurf des BMJV zur Fortentwicklung des Sanierungs- und Insolvenzrechts – “Sanierungsrechtsfortentwicklungsgesetz – SanInsFoG,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2020, pp. 2090-2092

● “Anmerkungen zur CERIL Stellungnahme zur COVID-19 und insolvenzbezogenen Gesetzgebung,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2020, pp. 931

● “Auswirkungen der “Corona-Pandemie” und erste Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2020, pp. 689-692

● “Präventiver Restrukturierungsrahmen – Erste Anregungen durch Verbände an den Gesetzgeber zur deutschen Umsetzung,” ZInsO Fokus Sanierung, 2020, pp. 2-7


Andreas is one of the few German lawyers who is both, a qualified accountant and a tax consultant.


● Promissory note holders of VARTA AG: Advising the group of creditors of Varta's promissory note loans as part of the StaRUG proceedings.

● Amor Group: Advising Amor Group on the successful StaRUG proceedings in the financial restructuring of the company.

● Promissory note holders of Meyer Werft GmbH: Advising the group of creditors of promissory note loans as part of the financial restructuring.

● Promissory note loan creditors of BRANICKS Group: Advising national and international credit institutions as promissory note creditors of BRANICKS Group AG on the restructuring of promissory note loans by means of a restructuring plan pursuant to StaRUG in court proceedings.

● Promissory note loan creditors of STEAG Group: Advising numerous national and international banks in their capacity as promissory note loan creditors of the STEAG Group on the successful refinancing of the energy producer.

● Harko Group: Advising the Harko Group and its shareholders on the sale of the Rhein-Ruhr-Zentrum in Mülheim.

● Promissory note holders of Leoni: Advising numerous national and international credit institutions in their capacity as promissory note creditors of Leoni AG in connection with a restructuring of financial liabilities.

● Bondholders of Green City Group: Representing interests of all bondholders as joint representative of the group companies Green City Energy Kraftwerkspark II, Green City Energy Kraftwerkspark III and Green City Solarimpuls I.

● Delticom AG: Advising in connection with the successful restructuring and subsequent refinancing after a fiduciary takeover of listed shares under exemption from the takeover offer in accordance with the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz).

● German Municipalities: Advising German Municipalities as creditors in the insolvency proceedings of Greensill Bank AG.

Chambers Review

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Chambers Germany

Restructuring/Insolvency - Germany

Band 1
Individual Editorial

Andreas Ziegenhagen is widely considered one of the leading advisers for promissory note holders, demonstrating prowess in handling complex restructuring mandates. He also assists with distressed M&A and self-administrations.

Indviduelles Editorial

Andreas Ziegenhagen gilt als einer der führenden Berater für Schuldscheininhaber und beweist seine Kompetenz im Umgang mit komplexen Restrukturierungsmandaten. Er unterstützt auch bei Distressed M&A und Eigenverwaltungen.


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