Ranking tables

Intellectual Property | Global


The Intellectual Property rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Mexico.

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 3

  1. BC&B Law & Business
    BC&B Law & Business 15 Years Ranked
  2. Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados
    Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados 15 Years Ranked
  3. Calderón & De La Sierra
  4. Dumont
  5. Müggenburg, Gorches y Peñalosa, S.C. (MGPS)

Band 4

  1. Hogan Lovells
    Hogan Lovells 17 Years Ranked
  2. Iberbrand S.C
  3. Panamericana de Patentes y Marcas (PPM)
  4. Solórzano Linaldi

Band 5

  1. Baker McKenzie
    Baker McKenzie 9 Years Ranked
  2. Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC
    Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC 2 Years Ranked
  4. BGAL Asociados
  6. Cuesta Campos y Asociados S.C.
  7. Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C.

Eminent Practitioners

  1. Alfredo RangelNoriega y Escobedo, AC

Band 3

  1. Adolfo Athié Cervantes
    Adolfo Athié Cervantes Basham, Ringe y Correa S.C.9 Years Ranked
  2. Armando Arenas OLIVARES2 Years Ranked
  3. Israel Ledesma Meléndez
    Israel Ledesma Meléndez Israel Ledesma - Sole Practitioner7 Years Ranked
  4. Juan Carlos Amaro
    Juan Carlos Amaro BC&B Law & Business10 Years Ranked
  5. Alberto Huerta BleckCalderón & De La Sierra
  6. Carlos Pérez De La SierraCalderón & De La Sierra
  7. Eryck CastilloUhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff, S.C.
  8. Guillermo SolórzanoSolórzano Linaldi
  9. Jean Yves PeñalosaELS - Peñalosa + Donnadieu, S.C.
  10. José Juan MéndezMendez + Cortes, S.C.
  11. Laura ColladaDumont
  12. María Teresa EljureEljure Legal

Band 4

  1. Daniel Sánchez OLIVARES10 Years Ranked
  2. Irely Aquique TMI Abogados2 Years Ranked
  3. Adriana LopezGarcía Barragán Abogados
  4. Consuelo González RodríguezUhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff, S.C.
  5. Elías RíosVILA
  6. Georgina EstevaPanamericana de Patentes y Marcas (PPM)
  7. Gilberto MartínezIberbrand S.C
  8. Gloria Isla del CampoIsla del Campo, S.C.
  9. Inti Alejandro AlvaBGAL Asociados
  10. Marcela BollandUhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff, S.C.
  11. Saul Santoyo OrozcoUhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff, S.C.

Band 5

  1. Carlos Dávila Baker McKenzie2 Years Ranked
  2. Juan Carlos Hernández Basham, Ringe y Correa S.C.1 Years Ranked
  3. Marina Hurtado Cruz Baker McKenzie3 Years Ranked
  4. Patricia Kaim
    Patricia Kaim Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC2 Years Ranked
  5. Victor Adames BC&B Law & Business1 Years Ranked
  6. Alejandro CárdenasMCOY Abogados
  7. Álvaro Huerta GonzálezMalpica, Iturbe, Buj & Paredes
  8. Ana CastañedaC & L ATTORNEYS
  9. Ana Laura Vargas RamirezIberbrand S.C
  10. Ana Urquizo GómezMüggenburg, Gorches y Peñalosa, S.C. (MGPS)
  11. Christian ThomaeDumont
  12. Diego G RossiIberbrand S.C
  13. Fernando Robles-PesqueiraSHARP IP
  14. Flor BermúdezBGAL Asociados
  15. Juan Luis SerranoSánchez DeVanny Eseverri, S.C.
  16. Luis J Legarreta CantúLegarreta y Asociados, S.C.
  17. Mariano SoníBufete Soní
  18. Mauricio ChozasCuesta Campos y Asociados S.C.
  19. Sergio De AlvaDe Alva & Asociados
  20. Tomás ArankowskyArankowsky & Asociados

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. 1
    Arochi & Lindner
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years Ranked
    Arochi & Lindner is a market-leading heavyweight occupying a front-running position in the intellectual property arena in Mexico. The intellectual property team is renowned for its notable specialisation in contentious work, with particular activity representing clients in patent and trade mark infringement actions and nullity proceedings. The department is also involved in defending IP rights through domain name and copyright enforcement. Arochi & Lindner remains a first port of call for distinguished generic drug producers, also drawing clients from the retail, entertainment and technology spheres.
  2. Basham, Ringe y Correa S.C.
    Basham, Ringe y Correa S.C.
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years Ranked

    Basham, Ringe y Correa is a well-regarded full-service firm that boasts a remarkable presence in the intellectual property practice area in Mexico. The intellectual property practice group comes highly recommended for its expertise in the prosecution and enforcement of copyrights and trade marks, as well as in handling opposition actions. It is also active in litigation. Basham, Ringe y Correa is retained by a client roster featuring national and multinational companies from the luxury retail, entertainment, and food and beverage spheres.

  3. 1
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years Ranked

    OLIVARES is an esteemed intellectual property powerhouse in Mexico City with an outstanding reputation for handling matters spanning the spectrum of IP matters. The firm boasts enviable experience advising on the registration and licensing of copyrights, patents and trade marks. OLIVARES is also revered for its IP litigation practice, particularly concerning patents. The intellectual property team possesses experience assisting clients hailing from a wide range of sectors, including the entertainment, retail, consumer product manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries.

  4. Uhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff, S.C.
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. Pérez-Llorca
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years Ranked

    Pérez-Llorca is a noted full-service firm with a solid intellectual property department based in Mexico City. The practice group boasts activity in contentious matters, particularly in defending clients in trade mark infringement cases filed before the IP authorities. The intellectual property team is also called upon to advise on trade mark prosecution. Pérez-Llorca is often seen representing clients from the food and beverage and e-commerce spaces.

  2. Santamarina y Steta SC
    Santamarina y Steta SC
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years Ranked

    Santamarina y Steta is a well-reputed full-service firm with a solid practice in the intellectual property arena in Mexico City. The team is active providing services in patent and trade mark registration and enforcement. Santamarina y Steta's client roster features companies from the retail, consumer product manufacturing and agribusiness spheres.

  3. 2
    TMI Abogados
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years Ranked
    TMI Abogados has a noteworthy practice that is renowned for its intellectual property expertise in Mexico. The team is held in high esteem for the prosecution and enforcement of IP rights, offering insight into trade mark and copyright mandates. The intellectual property department also boasts significant involvement in anti-piracy matters, as well as in the protection of trade secrets. TMI Abogados' client roster spans industries such as consumer goods, entertainment, information technology and digital platforms.

Band 3

  1. BC&B Law & Business
    BC&B Law & Business
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years Ranked
    BC&B Law & Business is a noted boutique that is recognised for its involvement in patents. The intellectual property department is routinely retained to enforce IP rights in the context of patent licensing disputes, also handling anti-counterfeiting measures and trade secrets in Mexico. The law firm's client portfolio encompasses notable names from the life sciences and electronics industries.
  2. Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados
    Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years Ranked
    Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados houses a solid practice group with a noted presence in the intellectual property market in Mexico. The team is retained to handle significant portfolios of IP rights, acting for clients on the registration of trade marks and patents, with additional involvement in enforcement matters through infringement actions. The intellectual property department is often seen advising companies from the technology, life sciences, and food and beverage sectors.
  3. Calderón & De La Sierra
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 3
  4. Dumont
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 3
  5. Müggenburg, Gorches y Peñalosa, S.C. (MGPS)
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 3

Band 4

  1. Hogan Lovells
    Hogan Lovells
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 4 | 17 Years Ranked
    Hogan Lovells is a full-service firm that is recognised for its intellectual property experience in Mexico. The team's areas of involvement encompass defending clients' IP rights through anti-counterfeiting measures. The intellectual property practice group is also involved in judicial disputes concerning trade mark and copyright infringement, as well as patent prosecution. Hogan Lovells represents clients from the consumer products, retail and entertainment industries.
  2. Iberbrand S.C
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 4
  3. Panamericana de Patentes y Marcas (PPM)
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 4
  4. Solórzano Linaldi
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 4

Band 5

  1. Baker McKenzie
    Baker McKenzie
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5 | 9 Years Ranked

    Baker McKenzie has a substantial name in the Mexican intellectual property field. The department regularly acts for clients in the digital platform industry, as well as for companies from the life sciences and food and beverage sectors. It is well equipped to handle a range of matters, including copyright licensing agreements, trade mark enforcement, trade secrets protection and patent prosecution.

  2. Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC
    Von Wobeser y Sierra, SC
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5 | 2 Years Ranked

    Von Wobeser y Sierra is a full-service law firm with an active presence in the Mexican intellectual property field, with significant expertise in the prosecution and defence of intellectual property rights, handling trade marks, licence agreements, copyright and patents, as well as denomination of origin matters. The department attracts clients from the technology, sports and consumer goods industries.

    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5
  4. BGAL Asociados
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5
  6. Cuesta Campos y Asociados S.C.
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5
  7. Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes, S.C.
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Band 5