Practice Areas
Infrastructure services
IT and data
Competition, antitrust and trade
Regulated public procurement
Banking and finance
Project finance
Simon regularly advises the public and private sectors on major projects, infrastructure and outsourcing procurements.
Simon has advised sponsors, funders and sub-contractors across a number of primary PPP/PFIs in the health, education and university, social justice, energy and waste, and transport sectors. He has been involved on domestic and international projects, including in Ireland, Greece and Canada. He also advises on secondary market PPP/PFI transactions, in addition to the full range of concession management issues on operational projects.
Simon has advised on a range of building energy efficiency projects and energy services procurements, predominantly for the private sector.
He has been involved in various outsourcing contracts (on/offshore and various framework/call-off agreements) and complex service contracts for bidders under the competitive dialogue regime. Examples include the outsourcing of front-line public services (including libraries, custody/detention), facilities management, public-private estates/development partnerships and digital infrastructure and telecoms (including broadband and mobile communications).