Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 3

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Provided by Peter Braun


Practice Areas

Dr. Peter Braun is a partner in the Dentons’ Frankfurt office and Co-Head of the German and European Public Procurement group. He specializes in national and international matters of public procurement law, privatizations, public private partnerships (PPP) and compliance.

He regularly advises public sector authorities, such as federal agencies and municipalities, in structuring complex public acquisition processes, predominantly in the area of IT. He is also experienced in litigating procurement matters on behalf of public sector institutions or private sector companies in front of review chambers in Germany. Peter’s practice includes extensive experience in assisting private sector clients in developing effective strategies for participating in tender procedures, together worth more than €5 billion.

He has published widely on public procurement, advised on the implementation of EU Public Procurement Law and is a regular speaker on national and international conferences and training seminars on the subject.

Peter regularly defends clients before the World Bank Sanctions Board against allegations of corrupt practices in World Bank procurement, advising in relation to international financial institutions (EBRD, EIB, EU, et al.) to avoid debarment and cross-debarment and on the structured disclosure of past misconduct.


Dentons – Partner, Co-Head Public Procurement Europe (since 2015), Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP – Partner (2008-15), Covington & Burling, New York – Foreign Associate (2007-08), Hölters & Elsing – Associate (2006-07), Fritze Paul Seelig – Associate (2004-05), Legal clerkship (2001-2003) with Linklaters, Wilmer Hale and the European Commission.

Professional Memberships

Independent Member of the Compensation Sub-Committee, FIFA; Speaker of the Board, Pro Bono Deutschland e.V..


Peter has published widely in the area of government contracts and is a regular speaker on national and international conferences and training seminars on the subject. Author in Handbuch Vergaberecht (Beck) f.e.:

Public Sector Procurement Audit, EIPA, 2020 (contributor)

Handbuch des Vergaberechts (Handbook of public procurement law), C.H. Beck oHG, 2020 (3rd edition, contributor)


“Anspruch auf Aufhebung einer generellen Vergabesperre (Entitlement to Lift a General Procurement Block),” Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, 2021, p. 172

“Die Pflicht zur Fristverlängerung im Teilnahmewettbewerb aufgrund wesentlicher Änderung der Vergabeunterlagen (The obligation to extend the time limit in a tender competition due to a substantial change in the tender documents),” Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, 2019, p. 31

“Ausschreibungsfreie Flächenzuweisung für Bodenabfertigungsdienste durch Flughafenbetreiber (Tender-free allocation of space for ground handling services by airport operators),” Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, 2018, p. 139

“Die Pflicht zur Losaufteilung: Von der Norm zur Praxis - Forschungsgutachten der Auftragsberatungsstellen in Deutschland (The obligation to split lots: from standard to practice—research opinion of contract advisory bodies in Germany),” Vergaberecht 2014, p. 301

“Die Zauberformel - Neues Onlinetool ermöglicht Ermittlung von Losgrößen bei öffentlichen Aufträgen (The Magic Formula—New Online Tool Enables Determination of Lot Sizes in Public Contracts),” Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 2014

“Requirements to state reasons for procurement decisions,” Public Procurement Law Review, 2011

“Präqualifikation und Prüfungssysteme (Prequalification and Examination Systems),” Vergaberecht, 2010, p. 433

“Rechtsnatur und Anwendungsbereich von Indikativen Angeboten (Legal Nature and Scope of Indicative Bids),” Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, 2009

Co-author, "Private Banken als Öffentliche Auftraggeber (Private Banks as Public Contractors),” Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, 2009, p. 5

“Renaissance der kommunalen Daseinsvorsorge (Renaissance of Municipal Services of General Interest),” Deutscher Anwaltsspiegel, 2009

“Obligation to state reasons for the rejection of a tender," Public Procurement Law Review, 2009

Co-author, “Conflicts of Interest in Public Award Procedure—Deloitte Business Advisory NV v European Commission (T-195/05),” Public Procurement Law Review, 2008

“Notes on Evropaïki Dynamiki v EFSA (T-69/05), Evropaïki Dynamiki v Commission (T-250/05) and Evropaïki Dynamiki v Commission (T-205/05),” Public Procurement Law Review, 2008

“Framework agreements—efficient procurement tool with new legal framework,” in: Public Sector Reform and eGovernment 2007/2008

“Procurement of PPP/PFI Projects in Universities,” in: Steinmetz, Gürtler (ed.), Public Private Partnership in Universities (Public Private Partnership im Hochschulbau), Weimar: Hochschul-Informationssystem (HIS), 2007

“Pitanje principa: Tretiranje ugovora koji ne spadaju u opseg evropskih direktiva o javnim Nabavkama (A Question of Principle: Which contracts do not underlie the European public procurement directives regime?),” in: Martin Trybus (ed.): Pravo ih nabavki EU: izbor tekstova (Law and politics of public procurement: Selected Texts), Sarajevo: Program javnih nabavki za Bosnu i Hercegovinu (The European Union’s Public Procurement Program for Bosnia and Herzegovina) (EUPPP), 2006

“Ungerechtfertigte Beschränkung der Dienstleistungsfreiheit durch Tariftreuepflicht (Unjustified restriction of the freedom to provide services due to the obligation to comply with collective bargaining agreements),” Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, 2006, p. 660

“Time-limit to Bring Proceedings Against Decisions of the European Commission, Commentary on EuG, October 10, 2006, T-106/05—Evropaïki Dynamiki/Kommission,” Public Procurement Law Review, 2006

“Sorgen neue EuGH Urteile für mehr Rechtssicherheit bei der Vergabe von Aufträgen an kommunale Unternehmen? (Do new ECJ rulings provide more legal certainty when awarding contracts to municipal companies?),” PPP-Kompakt, 2006


Attended Universities of Kiel, Wales (LL.M. Business Law) and Nottingham (PhD, Law). Researched on the practical application of public procurement law in PFI Projects in the UK.

Work Highlights

Engineering consultant: Advising in connection with a complex World Bank investigation and debarment proceedings as well as the negotiation of a Negotiated Resolution Agreement.

Confidential clients: Defending before the World Bank Sanctions Board against allegations of corrupt practices in World Bank procurement, advising in connection with international financial institutions (EBRD, EIB, EU, et al.) to avoid debarment and cross-debarment and on a structured disclosure of past misconduct.

Roche Diagnostics: Advising in procurement award procedures, including litigation.

Federal Ministry: Complex cross-border PPE procurement project, including litigation.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers


Public Law: Public Procurement/PPP - Germany

Band 3
Individual Editorial
Peter Braun co-leads the practice from the firm's office in Frankfurt and is known for his expertise in procurement projects within the TMT and healthcare sector, where he assists pharmaceutical giants and public authorities. Debarments and review proceedings equally fall within his expertise.

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