Justine specialises in Public Law Family and Court of Protection proceedings.
She undertakes cases at the highest level, including leading junior work in cases against Queen’s Counsel. She is regularly instructed in serious cases, including those involving extreme sexual abuse, brain injury, the death of a parent or child, FGM, fabricated/induced illness and deprivation of liberty. She is particularly noted for her expertise in cases involving vulnerable parties such as parents with learning disabilities or mental health difficulties and has considerable experience in representing clients who lack litigation capacity. She is a facilitator for the Bar Council training programme ‘Advocacy for Vulnerable People and Children’. She has a particular interest and is highly experienced in representing Gillick competent children – including those who are alleged perpetrators of sexual or physical abuse. Her dual practice in the jurisdictions of the Family Court and the Court of Protection has led to a reputation for expertise in cases involving young people who are transitioning between child and adult care or who are being deprived of their liberty. She is regularly called upon to provide training in these areas to fellow practitioners and to local authorities.