Maria Juliana Saa Hoyos is an attorney in Holland & Knight's Bogotá office. Ms. Saa Hoyos focuses her practice on the areas of corporate services, financial law, capital markets, bank investment and commercial law.
Ms. Saa Hoyos is involved in important project finance and structured finance transactions in Colombia and focuses primarily in energy and infrastructure areas. She has extensive experience in drafting, negotiating and reviewing financing agreements as well as project documents to develop and finance infrastructure and energy projects in Latin America.
Prior to joining Holland & Knight, Ms. Saa Hoyos practiced as an associate in a law firm in Colombia and as a legal director for a brokerage firm.
• Navigability of the Magdalena River PPP: Publication of Pre-Bidding Documents in Colombia, Holland & Knight Alert, November 5, 2021
• Lo que debe saber sobre la cuarentena nacional decretada en Colombia, Holland & Knight Alert, 24 de marzo de 2020
• Medidas del Gobierno Nacional en el Marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria del COVID-19 en Colombia, Holland & Knight Alert, 23 de marzo de 2020
• Bogotá anuncia medida obligatoria de aislamiento preventivo para contener COVID-19, Holland & Knight Alert, 19 de marzo de 2020
• Gobierno nacional implementa medidas de emergencia para contener COVID-19 en Colombia, Holland & Knight Alert, 18 de marzo de 2020
• Estructura Básica del Project Finance (PF), Asuntos Legales, August 13, 2018
• La Financiación de Proyectors 4G, La República, Mayo 30, 2017