Chambers Review
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Band 2
Band 4
Provided by Javier Torre de Silva
TMC , Public Law and Regulated Sectors, Infrastructures and Project Finance, Wealth management
Member of the Council of State Attorney Corps, 1997 (on professional leave).
Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.
Member of the Civil and Commercial Arbitration Court of Madrid.
Member of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Member of ITech Law.
Sobre el supuesto deber jurídico de soportar los daños causados por acto inválido razonable y razonado. In Recuerda Girela, M.A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual, 2022
Liability for damages caused by artificial intelligence systems, in Digital Law and Innovation, Number 11, 2022.
Automated administrative acts, In Recuerda Girela, M.A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual, 2021.
The non-formalistic principle in e-Government, In Recuerda Girela, M.A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual: Practical problems and current issues of Administrative Law, 2020.
The law and the state of emergency. A temporary shift in regulation. In Recuerda Girela, M.A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual: Before the next pandemic. Thomson-Reuters Aranzadi, 2020. ISBN: 978-84-1346-893-8.
The revoking of unfavourable and voidable acts at the request of the subject. In Recuerda Girela, M. A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual: Practical problems and current issues of Administrative Law, 2019.
Data according to Private Law. 2019 Civil Law Annual, III term.
On the indirect transmission of shares of concessionaire companies. . "Practical problems and current issues of Administrative Law". 2018 Yearbook.
The impact of the concept of operational risk on petitions for the rebalance of administrative licences. In view of the Council of State report 660/2014 . In Recuerda Girela, M. A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual: Practical problems and current issues of Administrative Law, 2017.
Construction works contracts entered into by Compensation Boards: Competent jurisdiction and exorbitant prerogatives. In Recuerda Girela, M. A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual: Practical problems and current issues of Administrative Law, 2016.
Compensation for damages in cases relating to the termination of administrative licences: unearned tax income. In Recuerda Girela, M. A. (Dir.), Administrative Law Annual: Practical problems and current issues of Administrative Law, 2015.
Issues relating to the expiry of administrative proceedings. In Administrative Law Annual, 2014.
The impact of insolvency on public sector contracts. In “Agreements Treaty”, 2014.
The Council of State and the Transparency Law. In Troncoso Reigada, A. (Dir.), "Commentary on the Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance Act 19/2013 of 9 December”.
Commentary on the succession to the Crown and its repercussions on the succession to noble titles. In Constitutional Reform, Ministry of Justice, 2005.
Santi Romano. In "Universal Jurists", Dir. Rafael Domingo, Pamplona 2004.
Public contracts. In "Memento Francis Lefebvre", Madrid, 2004.
Pricing regulation: fixed telephone prices. In Competition and EU Law gazette number 229, January-February 2004.
The New Company Society: a critical reflection. In "Companies Review", 2004.
On the acts against which the extraordinary appeal for review may be filed. Spanish Administrative Law magazine, No. 118, March-June 2003.
Limits of the "privatization" of Trademark Law. In “Commercial Law magazine”, 2002.
Doctoral thesis entitled "La presunzione di colpa nella responsabilità contrattuale". Doctoral dissertation. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and University of Bologna (Real Colegio de España), 1992.
Internet, industrial property and unfair competition. Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies.
The Council of State doctrine on telecommunications and services in the information society In the Official State Gazette, Council of State Collection.
Administrative silence and the expiry of administrative proceedings in relation to public contracts: in particular, termination due to a breach by the contracting party. In Spanish Administrative Law Magazine. In No. 118, March-June 2003.
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