Chambers Review
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Provided by Ilka Diane Mehdorn
Ilka Mehdorn is the Office Managing Partner of Dentons' Berlin office and Co-Head of the German Public Sector Practice Group. She is a regulatory lawyer with a focus on product-related environmental law (waste, packaging, labeling, recycling, end-of-waste) and a specialist lawyer in medical law in health care regulatory law. She regularly advises on environmental and technical requirements for products, such as the European regulations on Packaging (PPWR), WEEE, RoHS or REACH / CLP.
Dr. iur. (Freie Universität Berlin); certified specialist attorney for medical law (Fachanwalt für Medizinrecht); 2003-2013: WilmerHale. Since 2013: DENTONS
Working Group Healthcare of DICO (German Institute for Compliance), German Association for Panel Doctor Law (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kassenarztrecht), Member of several expert groups in the area of product related environmental laws.
Co-author, Klein/Mehdorn, Verpackungsgesetz Kommentar (Commentary on the German Packaging Act), C.H. Beck, 1st ed. 2023
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