Practice Areas
Harry Weiss is Practice Leader of Ballard Spahr’s Environment and Natural Resources Group, and administers the Group’s practice across the country.
Harry provides an array of clients with compliance advice arising out of new federal and state environmental regulations.
In addition to regulatory work, Harry concentrates on redevelopment of contaminated properties and other environmental issues in the development context, such as storm water management during construction, wetlands permitting, and endangered or threatened species. Harry has represented buyers, sellers, and redevelopers of brownfield and other contaminated property in more than 100 transactions. He has helped clients clear environmental hurdles in a broad variety of projects, including manufacturing facilities, retail complexes, warehouses, multifamily housing, pipelines, and a Major League Baseball stadium.
New Jersey
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court for the District of of New Jersey
U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law (J.D. 1990, with honors); Pennsylvania State University (B.A. 1984, with honors).