Practice Areas
M&A, securities, private equity funds, general corporate.
Worked at Davis Polk & Wardwell, New York in 2001-02. Visiting Professor, Tokyo University Law School (2019-2022).
Professional Memberships
Japan, 1997; New York, 2002. Member of the Corporate Value Study Group organised by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2004 to 2008); Member of the First Subcommittee of Sectional Committee on Financial System of Financial System Council (2005-06); Member of Liaison Conference on Corporate Governance organized by Financial Services Agency (2010-11). Member of the Fair M&A Study Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2018-2019). Member of the Fair Acquisition Study Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2022-2023); Expert Member of the Working Group on Tender Offer Rules and Large Shareholding Reporting Rules of the Financial System Council (2023-2024).
"Practical Considerations Concerning the 'Guidelines for Corporate Takeovers'”, Commercial Law Review, 2023; “Comprehensive Analysis of M&A Laws of Japan, 2nd edition” Yuhikaku, 2022; “Theory and Practice of Agreements with and among Shareholders” Yuhikaku, 2021; "Implications and Practical Impact of the Fair M&A Guidelines ", Commercial Law Review, 2019; "TOBs in Japan", Yuhikaku, 2016; "Special Committees for MBOs in Japan", The Financial and Business Law Precedents, 2013; "Regulations for Proxy Solicitation", Lexis Nexis "Business Issues”, 2011; "Deal Protection Measures", Financial and Business Law Precedents, 2008; "Practical Issues of Triangular Mergers", Commercial Law Review, 2008.
Graduated from the University of Tokyo (LLB, 1995), and University of Chicago Law School (LLM, 2001).