Practice Areas
Charles Morgan’s practice is now almost entirely concerned with aspects of water and water industry law, in which he has been actively involved for over 35 years (since before privatisation). He is one of a very small number of practitioners with such specific experience and expertise. His work in this field has led to appearances before a huge variety of courts and tribunals countrywide including Magistrates Courts, Government Inspectors, commercial arbitrators and mediators, the County Court, the Crown Court, the King’s/Queen’s Bench Division, the Chancery Division, the Technology and Construction Court, the Administrative Court, the Business & Property Courts, the Court of Appeal, the House of Lords and the Supreme Court (including as leading advocate), alongside a large advisory practice. His established wider background in both environmental law and commercial Chancery work renders him proficient in both public law and private law issues, which often arise together in disputes concerning the use of water, notably in the context of property rights.
Charles served on the Environment Agency panel for 15 years, appearing in numerous significant regulatory appeals before Government Inspectors involving the water industry, as well as advising upon all aspects of the Agency's functions in relation to the aqueous environment. He now acts principally for water and sewerage undertakers, water level management organisations, commercial enterprises, property developers and landowners. He has also long acted for local authorities, mainly in relation to compulsory purchase and compensation cases and other areas of environmental and property law.