Cecilia Carrara is the author and co-author of numerous articles and commentaries including:
• “Arbitration procedures and practice in Italy: overview”, Practical Law Global, Thomson Reuters,
• “The multiple usages of the UNIDROIT principles and the rules governing limitation”, The multiple uses of the unidroit principles of the international commercial contracts: theory and practice, Galizzi, Rojas Elgueta, Veneziano, Giuffrè Contratti & Commercio Internazionale, November 2020;
• “The Impact of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence on Arbitral Procedings – Ethical Issues”, Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2020, February 2020;
• “Competition Litigation Comparative Legal Guide”, The Legal 500, August 2019;
• “International Arbitration Q&A”, Chambers and Partners, August 2019;
• “I nuovi fronti della Class Action”, Il Sole 24 Ore, 22.05.2019;
• “How to productively conduct a case management conference – well begun is half done”, New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Spring 2019, 43;
• “An Italian Perspective”,ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2018 | ISSUE 3;
• “New York Convention 60 years later: a never-ending search for a balance between comitas and internationality”, Rivista dell’Arbitrato, Anno XXVIII Fasc. 1 – 2018;
• “Challenge of arbitral award for errors of law: Italian Constitutional Court upholds double-track mechanism”, Practical Law, 2018;
• “Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs”, World Bank Group, 2018;
• “Danni punitivi, un’apertura alla nuova responsabilità civile”, Il Sole 24 Ore, 08.07.2017;
• “Gli effetti dei lodi arbitrali e l’acquisto dell’efficacia esecutiva” in Commentario breve al diritto dell’arbitrato nazionale ed internazionale, L. Melchionda, C. Carrara, Wolters Kluwer - CEDAM 2° Edition, 2017;
• “Liability of directors and statutory auditors is an arbitrable matter (Italian Supreme Court)”, Practical Law, 2017;
• “Italian Supreme Court decides important issues regarding international arbitration agreement”, Practical Law, 2017;
• “Recusal of arbitrator cannot be appealed (Italian Court of Cassation)”, Practical Law, 2017;
• “Note sulla consulenza tecnica negli arbitrati della CAM alla luce della prassi dell’arbitrato internazionale”, La consulenza tecnica nel giudizio arbitrale, Azzali, Rojas Elgueta, Zoppini, Giuffre 2016, pp 198 and ss;
• “Partial award on jurisdiction or preliminary issues not immediately challengeable before Italian courts (Italian Court of Cassation)”, Practical Law, 2016;
• “Italian courts tend to uphold arbitral awards, study concludes”, Practical Law, 2016;
• “Getting the Deal Through: Arbitration 2016” / “Italy”, Law Business Research, 2016;
• “L’arbitrato per attrarre investimenti in Italia”, La Voce, 21.07.2015;
• “L’arbitrato societario allarga i confini”, Il Sole 24 Ore, 20.09.2015;
• “Getting the Deal Through: Arbitration 2015” / “Italy”, Law Business Research, 2015;