Practice Areas
Andrea leads the Blakes Securities Litigation Group and co-leads Blakes Professional Responsibility group. Her practice focuses on class action defence, enforcement matters and the professional liability of officers and directors and auditors. Her clients include financial institutions, accounting firms and public issuers. She frequently coordinates with counsel in other jurisdictions in cross-border and multinational disputes.
Since the introduction of statutory liability for secondary market misrepresentation in Canada, Andrea has been defending public issuers and other defendants against class actions premised on misrepresentation claims. She is recognized for her thought leadership in secondary market liability issues and is regularly consulted by the media and government organizations about legislative changes and legal developments relating to securities class actions.
Andrea has successfully argued cases at all levels of court including the Supreme Court of Canada. She is consistently ranked in leading legal publications for class actions, securities litigation and commercial litigation, including having been recognized as one of Canada’s top female litigators since 2016.
Professional Memberships
Andrea frequently writes and speaks about class action developments and teaches written advocacy. She is also a member of the Canadian Bar Association, The Metropolitan Lawyers Association, The Advocates' Society and former member of the Ontario Bar Association’s Bench and Bar Committee.