Ranking tables

Restructuring/Insolvency | UK


Rankings overview for Departments

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Band 1

  1. Addleshaw Goddard LLP
    Addleshaw Goddard LLP
    2025 | Band 1 | 12 Years Ranked
    Addleshaw Goddard is a well-regarded name for restructuring and insolvency, offering a strong roster of sector experts with skills in both contentious and non-contentious mandates. It regularly handles complex and time-sensitive cross-border cases, often requiring expertise in both English and Scottish law. The department acts for a broad client base that includes banks, financial institutions and corporate groups.
  2. Burness Paull
    Burness Paull
    2025 | Band 1 | 28 Years Ranked

    Burness Paull has a distinguished insolvency practice that regularly handles complex restructuring mandates for lenders, borrowers and insolvency practitioners, alongside broader roles advising purchasers on distressed asset transactional matters. It is held in high regard for the strength of its litigation team, which handles a wide variety of enforcement and wider insolvency-related claims.

  3. Pinsent Masons
    Pinsent Masons
    2025 | Band 1 | 11 Years Ranked

    Pinsent Masons houses a specialist restructuring team with recognised cross-border capabilities. Its team in Scotland can be bolstered by its sector experts in both its UK and international offices. It advises lenders and financial institutions, insolvency practitioners, distressed businesses and boards of directors in the hospitality, financial services, retail and social care sectors, among others.

  4. 1
    Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP
    2025 | Band 1 | 19 Years Ranked

    Shepherd and Wedderburn has a specialist restructuring team that boasts international capabilities. It regularly advises on complex mandates that are domestic or international in nature. It offers particular expertise in the financial services, retail, and hotel and leisure sectors, acting for a strong client base of leading businesses, financial institutions and accounting firms.


Band 2

  1. Brodies LLP
    Brodies LLP
    2025 | Band 2 | 14 Years Ranked

    Brodies has a well-regarded practice with strength across a spectrum of corporate and personal insolvency matters. It demonstrates considerable expertise in handling issues such as transactions involving distressed assets, disputes and restructuring projects. Its clients include distressed companies, insolvency practitioners, financial institutions and regulatory bodies.

  2. Harper Macleod LLP
    Harper Macleod LLP
    2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years Ranked

    Harper Macleod is known for its abilities in corporate and personal insolvency. Its lawyers have particular experience in the construction, mining and retail industries and advise banks, other businesses and insolvency practitioners. The department provides counsel across the full range of contentious and non-contentious insolvency work, calling upon broader expertise in its employment and real estate practices to advise on ancillary issues.

  3. Morton Fraser MacRoberts
    Morton Fraser MacRoberts
    2025 | Band 2 | 20 Years Ranked

    Morton Fraser MacRoberts advises on a range of contentious and non-contentious insolvency matters, with notable expertise in distressed debt-related matters and asset recovery. The law firm often acts for liquidators on appointments and in court proceedings, alongside roles acting for banks, distressed businesses and directors.

  4. BBM Solicitors
    2025 | Band 2
  5. TLT LLP
    2025 | Band 2