Ranking tables

Offshore | UK Bar

All Circuits

This section covers UK barristers who work in non-UK common law jurisdictions. These specifically include, amongst others, the Bahamas, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man and Gibraltar.

Rankings overview for Sets


Senior Statespeople

  1. Philip Jones KCSerle Court

Star Individuals

  1. Jonathan Crow KC
    Jonathan Crow KC 4 Stone Buildings26 Years Ranked
  2. Elspeth Talbot Rice KCXXIV Old Buildings

Band 1

  1. Dakis Hagen KC
    Dakis Hagen KC Serle Court16 Years Ranked
  2. Elizabeth Jones KC
    Elizabeth Jones KC Serle Court29 Years Ranked
  3. Ewan McQuater KC
    Ewan McQuater KC 3 Verulam Buildings30 Years Ranked
  4. Jonathan Adkin KC
    Jonathan Adkin KC Serle Court16 Years Ranked
  5. Mark Howard KC
    Mark Howard KC Brick Court Chambers30 Years Ranked
  6. Matthew Hardwick KC
    Matthew Hardwick KC 3 Verulam Buildings19 Years Ranked
  7. Nicholas Le Poidevin KC
    Nicholas Le Poidevin KC New Square Chambers21 Years Ranked
  8. Paul McGrath KC
    Paul McGrath KC Essex Court Chambers26 Years Ranked
  9. Richard Millett KC
    Richard Millett KC Essex Court Chambers30 Years Ranked
  10. Richard Wilson KC
    Richard Wilson KC Serle Court19 Years Ranked
  11. Shân Warnock-Smith KC
    Shân Warnock-Smith KC 5 Stone Buildings29 Years Ranked
  12. Vernon Flynn KC
    Vernon Flynn KC Brick Court Chambers29 Years Ranked
  13. Brian Green KCWilberforce Chambers
  14. Clare Stanley KCWilberforce Chambers
  15. David Allison KCSouth Square
  16. David Brownbill KCXXIV Old Buildings
  17. David Chivers KCErskine Chambers
  18. Edward Cumming KCXXIV Old Buildings
  19. Jonathan Hilliard KCWilberforce Chambers
  20. Philip Marshall KCSerle Court
  21. Robert Ham KCWilberforce Chambers
  22. Simon Taube KCTen Old Square
  23. Stephen Atherton KCTwenty Essex
  24. Stephen Moverley Smith KCXXIV Old Buildings
  25. Thomas Lowe KCWilberforce Chambers
  26. Tom Smith KCSouth Square

Band 2

  1. David Quest KC
    David Quest KC 3 Verulam Buildings20 Years Ranked
  2. Graham Chapman KC
    Graham Chapman KC 4 New Square Chambers22 Years Ranked
  3. James Willan KC
    James Willan KC Essex Court Chambers14 Years Ranked
  4. Joe Smouha KC
    Joe Smouha KC Essex Court Chambers30 Years Ranked
  5. John Brisby KC
    John Brisby KC 4 Stone Buildings30 Years Ranked
  6. David Alexander KCSouth Square
  7. David Mumford KCMaitland Chambers
  8. David W Lord KCThree Stone
  9. Felicity Toube KCSouth Square
  10. Francis Tregear KCXXIV Old Buildings
  11. Gilead Cooper KCWilberforce Chambers
  12. Jern-Fei Ng KC7BR
  13. John Machell KCSerle Court
  14. John Wardell KCWilberforce Chambers
  15. Michael Furness KCWilberforce Chambers
  16. Michael Todd KCErskine Chambers
  17. Penelope Reed KC5 Stone Buildings
  18. Robert Levy KCThree Stone
  19. Terence Mowschenson KCWilberforce Chambers

Band 1

  1. Andrew HoldenXXIV Old Buildings
  2. Graeme HalkerstonWilberforce Chambers
  3. Lynton TuckerNew Square Chambers

Band 2

  1. Emma Hargreaves
    Emma Hargreaves Serle Court8 Years Ranked
  2. Mark Hubbard
    Mark Hubbard New Square Chambers19 Years Ranked
  3. Nico Leslie
    Nico Leslie Fountain Court Chambers7 Years Ranked
  4. Thomas Fletcher
    Thomas Fletcher Serle Court9 Years Ranked
  5. Anna LittlerWilberforce Chambers
  6. Bajul ShahXXIV Old Buildings
  7. Daniel WarentsXXIV Old Buildings
  8. Elizabeth WeaverXXIV Old Buildings

Band 3

  1. Adil Mohamedbhai
    Adil Mohamedbhai Serle Court5 Years Ranked
  2. Ben Woolgar
    Ben Woolgar Brick Court Chambers6 Years Ranked
  3. Gregory Denton-Cox
    Gregory Denton-Cox 4 Stone Buildings19 Years Ranked
  4. Ruth Jordan
    Ruth Jordan Serle Court16 Years Ranked
  5. Andrew BlakeErskine Chambers
  6. James Purchas4 Pump Court
  7. Josh LewisonRadcliffe Chambers
  8. Marcus FlavinRadcliffe Chambers
  9. Marcus HaywoodSouth Square
  10. Matthew Paton5 Stone Buildings
  11. Nicole LangloisXXIV Old Buildings
  12. Piers FelthamRadcliffe Chambers
  13. Robert Strang3 Hare Court
  14. Stephanie ThompsonSerle Court
  15. Tom RoscoeWilberforce Chambers
  16. William WillsonSouth Square

All Sets profiles


Band 1

  1. Serle Court
    Serle Court
    2025 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked

    Serle Court is highly renowned for its extensive expertise in offshore trust matters, and has comprehensive knowledge of an ensemble of jurisdictions including the Channel Islands, the BVI and the Cayman Islands. The set offers further expertise in Asian jurisdictions. Its barristers are frequently instructed by firms from across the globe. A source highlights: "Serle Court has emerged from the pack. It is one of the first sets I would go to; it has outstanding KCs." Another adds: "Serle Court is a go-to set for big-ticket trust litigation."

  2. South Square
    South Square
    2025 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked

    South Square offers great capability across a range of areas, with particular strength in offshore insolvency matters as well as trusts, fraud and general commercial disputes. A commenter says that South Square is "a really top-notch set, probably the best set in complex insolvency and financial matters." Members are frequently instructed across the range of both traditional and emerging offshore jurisdictions. One instructing solicitor comments there is "no-one in Cayman who doesn't use and love them." Barristers at the set continue to act in some of the highest-profile matters including the Abraaj Group liquidation matter, the proposed restructuring of Evergrande, and the Primeo Fund v HSBC litigation.

    Dylan Playfoot is the senior clerk.

  3. Wilberforce Chambers
    Wilberforce Chambers
    2025 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked

    Wilberforce Chambers offers significant strength and depth in all the major offshore jurisdictions, including those in the Channel Islands, the Caribbean and Asia. An instructing solicitor refers to it as "a powerhouse of a set", adding that "everyone at this set is good quality". Members of the set are instructed to act in matters such as trust litigation, high-value commercial disputes, fraud claims and insolvency matters. Its barristers continue to appear in a number of high-profile cases, such as FamilyMart Holding v Ting Chuan, a highly publicised Privy Council appeal in the Cayman Islands. One source states that "the set as a whole is the pinnacle of the London Bar - a great bench of juniors and KCs".

  4. XXIV Old Buildings
    XXIV Old Buildings
    2025 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked

    XXIV Old Buildings maintains a superb reputation for its handling of an array of offshore work, with members frequently appearing in trusts, funds, fraud and restructuring disputes. The set is able to offer significant expertise in the Channel Islands, the BVI and the Cayman Islands, as well as in Middle and Far Eastern jurisdictions. Members continue to appear in high-profile cases including Ivanishvilli v Credit Suisse Life, and the St John’s Trust Company proceedings. A source refers to the set as "market-leading" with a "traditional offshore practice".


Band 2

  1. 3 Verulam Buildings
    3 Verulam Buildings
    2025 | Band 2 | 1 Years Ranked

    3 Verulam Buildings offers noteworthy expertise across a range of offshore work including trusts, insolvency, civil fraud, restructuring and commercial cases. Its barristers are experienced in appearing in high-value disputes, and members are frequently called before the courts in the Caribbean, the Channel Islands, Dubai and Hong Kong. The set continues to appear in high-profile cases, including in Abraaj Investment Management v KPMG Lower Gulf and NMC Healthcare v Dubai Islamic Bank and Noor Bank. One source comments that 3VB is a "strong set of very talented, clever, and dedicated counsel". Another solicitor refers to the set as "top-notch".

  2. 4 Stone Buildings
    4 Stone Buildings
    2025 | Band 2 | 1 Years Ranked

    4 Stone Buildings is a highly regarded set able to offer particular expertise in the BVI, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and the Channel Islands, while sustaining praiseworthy capability in the DIFC and the Far East. Members of chambers are frequently instructed to act in a variety of matters including trusts, liquidations and shareholder action fund disputes. This year the set has acted in the matter of Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited, a high-profile, multimillion-dollar appraisal claim. One instructing solicitor says: "4 Stone Buildings is a go-to set for commercial complex matters." Another source highlighted 4 Stone Buildings as a "very good set with a good offshore practice".

  3. Essex Court Chambers
    Essex Court Chambers
    2025 | Band 2 | 1 Years Ranked

    Essex Court Chambers offers substantial expertise in a variety of offshore commercial disputes including fraud, shareholder actions, contentious liquidations and complex civil fraud matters. Its barristers continue to act in some of the most high-profile and high-value offshore disputes, including such matters as Barclays Bank v Saad Investment Company and Cowan v Equis Special. When referencing the barristers, an instructing solicitor comments: "Nothing seems to faze Essex Court," going on to state the set has "huge depth of expertise across the board". Members have experience in several key offshore jurisdictions, including the Caribbean, the Channel Islands, Singapore and Dubai, and further jurisdictions such as Belize. One commentator says the set has an array of "top barristers" who do the "biggest offshore work".

  4. Maitland Chambers
    Maitland Chambers
    2025 | Band 2 | 1 Years Ranked

    Maitland Chambers is well respected for its broad offshore practice and has significant capability in the Caribbean, the Channel Islands and East Asia. Members have particular expertise in trust matters, contentious liquidations and general commercial litigation. Clients include trustees, financial institutions and other corporate entities. An instructing solicitor says: "Maitland has become my go-to set; it has strength in depth," and adds the set has "lots of people for me to use across fraud, commercial litigation, chancery, insolvency and trust disputes".


Band 3

  1. Brick Court Chambers
    Brick Court Chambers
    2025 | Band 3 | 1 Years Ranked

    Brick Court Chambers offers a broad range of international commercial expertise, with notable prowess in the fields of shareholder disputes and appraisal rights matters. Its barristers practise across the gamut of traditional offshore jurisdictions, most notably in the BVI and the Cayman Islands. Certain members offer additional expertise in offshore locales further afield, such as Mauritius and Hong Kong. The bench is frequently called to act in many high-profile commercial disputes. In the past year, the barristers have appeared in the Jardine Strategic Holdings Bermudian appraisal dispute and the Grand View Private Trust Company v Winston Wong litigation. One client praises the set's "excellent and deep bench of clever, knowledgeable and client-friendly public law specialists". Another source highlights the set's "quality barristers", who do "top-quality work".

    Paul Dennison and Tony Burgess are the senior clerks.

  2. Erskine Chambers
    Erskine Chambers
    2025 | Band 3 | 1 Years Ranked

    Members of Erskine Chambers frequently appear before courts in the BVI, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the DIFC, Hong Kong and the Channel Islands. Its practitioners regularly act in shareholder disputes, civil fraud, banking matters and insolvencies. A solicitor highlights that the set "contains some of the most respected barristers in London". Members continue to represent clients in prominent cases such as Nam Tai Property v West Ridge Investment, and the NorthStar Financial Services (Bermuda) liquidation. One interviewee comments: "The team at Erskine is an exceptional group of barristers. They provide fantastic depth and breadth, and there is a true sense of a collegiate organisation between them."

  3. New Square Chambers
    New Square Chambers
    2025 | Band 3 | 1 Years Ranked

    New Square Chambers is sought after for its work in a variety of offshore matters such as contentious insolvencies, fraud, general commercial disputes, trusts litigation and asset tracing claims. Members are regularly seen in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Caribbean, and have appeared in significant matters recently including the Montpelier Services high-profile liquidation case and Kazzaz v Standard Chartered Trust (Guernsey). One instructing solicitor says: "You can’t go wrong if you choose New Square Chambers - great legal services are provided whether advocacy or advisory."

    Michelle Green is the senior clerk.