Ranking tables

Environment | USA


The environment chapter features both litigation and advisory/transactional support to clients. This includes general corporate issues (eg, due diligence on mergers), the development of brownfield sites, and pollution issues. 'Traditional' environment work includes regulatory compliance, litigation and enforcement actions related to air, water, wetlands, waste and endangered species. We also feature advice to corporate and financial clients on the environmental aspects of M&A, financings, securities offerings and other transactions, which involve due diligence and environmental insurance issues.

Rankings overview for Departments

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Band 1

  1. 1
    Brown Rudnick LLP
    2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years Ranked
    Brown Rudnick has an experienced and talented bench of practitioners, respected for its expertise across a diverse spectrum of environmental work such as due diligence, brownfield redevelopment and enforcement actions. It has noted expertise in the energy space, particularly in regulatory and permitting matters.
  2. Pullman & Comley, LLC
    Pullman & Comley, LLC
    2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years Ranked
    Pullman & Comley is a strong performer across a range of matters including brownfield remediations and enforcement defense. Particular experience advising on large-scale renewable energy projects, such as solar power plants. Offers close relationships with state and federal agencies. Clients include energy companies and developers.
  3. Robinson & Cole LLP
    Robinson & Cole LLP
    2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years Ranked
    Robinson & Cole remains a sophisticated environmental offering, with expertise across a broad range of environmental law matters, with areas of focus including brownfield redevelopment, due diligence, enforcement defense and permitting. The team additionally provides support for environmental litigation, including disputes related to Superfund sites.
  4. Shipman & Goodwin LLP
    Shipman & Goodwin LLP
    2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years Ranked
    Shipman & Goodwin advises on a wide range of environmental issues including health and safety, energy and land use. It is highly respected for its coverage of matters such as property transactions involving contaminated land, remediation and the defense of natural resource damage claims. The firm is also strongly praised for its relationships with state and federal agencies on regulatory compliance matters.

Band 2

  1. Day Pitney LLP
    Day Pitney LLP
    2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years Ranked
    Day Pitney offers a well-respected environmental law practice with particular specialization in matters pertaining to the energy and natural resources sector. Its additional areas of expertise include wastewater matters and handling enforcement actions involving state and federal agencies. The group also assists in environmental due diligence pertaining to real estate and corporate transactions, as well as operational compliance advice. 
  2. McCarter & English, LLP
    McCarter & English, LLP
    2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years Ranked
    McCarter & English is known for its expertise in remediation, wetlands development and enforcement actions, among other matters. Particularly robust in transactions where environmental regulations are a prominent consideration. Especially knowledgeable about the Connecticut Transfer Act and the remediation and sale of polluted land. Strong client roster consisting of both public and private sector entities.
  3. Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP
    2024 | Band 2
  4. Halloran & Sage LLP
    2024 | Band 2
  5. Winnick Ruben Hoffnung Peabody & Mendel LLC
    2024 | Band 2