Ranking tables
Employment: Pensions | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
- Erik Lutjens DLA Piper Nederland13 Years Ranked
- Onno BlomBlom Veugelers Zuiderman Advocaten
Band 1
Band 2
- Frank Doornik L&A Advocaten B.V.10 Years Ranked
- Jaap van Slooten Stibbe 19 Years Ranked
- Paul Vestering Stibbe 19 Years Ranked
- Roland de Greef HVG Law B.V.2 Years Ranked
- Sijbren Kuiper Van Doorne2 Years Ranked
- Mark HeemskerkHeld Law Advocaten
- Roel VeugelersBlom Veugelers Zuiderman Advocaten
- Ruben Van ArkelSparkel advocatuur & mediation
- Teun HuijgHeld Law Advocaten
- Tim ZuidermanBlom Veugelers Zuiderman Advocaten
Up and Coming
Associates to watch
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Erik LutjensDLA Piper Nederland | Employment: Pensions2025 | Senior Statespeople | 13 Years RankedErik Lutjens has prodigious experience representing clients in employment and pensions matters. He assists clients with contentious cases relating to pension contributions and the negotiation of pension fund agreements, with particular expertise in representing pension funds.
- Onno BlomBlom Veugelers Zuiderman Advocaten | Employment: Pensions2025 | Senior Statespeople
Band 1
1 Irene H Vermeeren-KeijzersJones Day | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 1 | 14 Years RankedIrene Vermeeren-Keijzers is highly regarded for her pensions expertise. She is one of the leading figures in the Dutch pensions market and acts on a range of cases, including the restructuring and harmonisation of pension plans, as well as dismissals.
1 Wijnanda RuttenClifford Chance LLP | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years RankedWijnanda Rutten has extensive pensions law expertise, regularly advising clients on pensions litigation relating to mandatory industry-wide pensions and pension planning issues. She also assists with the pension aspects of global restructurings.
Band 2
2 Frank DoornikL&A Advocaten B.V. | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years RankedFrank Doornik has a strong pensions focus, assisting clients with the pension aspects of M&A activity as well as advising on pensions disputes.
2 Jaap van SlootenStibbe | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedJaap van Slooten regularly represents clients in challenging litigation proceedings relating to collective agreements as well as termination disputes. He also offers expertise in pensions litigation and relocation matters.
2 Paul VesteringStibbe | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 2 | 19 Years RankedPaul Vestering has a broad practice assisting clients with the full range of employment issues. His recent work has involved providing guidance on collective labour agreements, remuneration cases and various pension law matters.
2 Roland de GreefHVG Law B.V. | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 2 | 2 Years RankedRoland de Greef of HVG Law assists with contentious and non-contentious pension matters. He advises energy and social security clients.
2 Sijbren KuiperVan Doorne | Employment: Pensions2025 | Band 2 | 2 Years RankedSijbren Kuiper is particularly active in assisting pension funds, pension service providers and Dutch and multinational companies on both contentious and non-contentious pension matters. He notably offers skill in pension portfolio acquisitions, employee participation cases and advice on the Dutch Future Pensions Act, as well as pension claims and outsourcing mandates.
Up and Coming
U Johanne BoelhouwerDentons | Employment: Pensions2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedJohanne Boelhouwer regularly acts on the pensions aspects of employment mandates, including both transactional and contentious cases. She advises on changes to pensions schemes, corporate restructurings and indexation issues for both employers and pension funds.
U Jorn de BruinAKD | Employment: Pensions2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedJorn de Bruin acts for pension funds and employers on the transition and interpretation of pension systems, as well as litigation proceedings.
U Laurie KuijpersSimmons & Simmons LLP | Employment: Pensions2025 | Up and Coming | 1 Years RankedLaurie Kuijpers has a broad employment practice, with particular experience advising on pension portfolio transfers as part of M&A transactions and the amendment of pension schemes. She additionally acts on individual and collective dismissals and outsourcing mandates.
Associates to watch
- Robin van der HamLoyens & Loeff | Employment: Pensions2025 | Associates to watch | 1 Years Ranked
Senior associate Robin van der Ham offers recognised experience acting on behalf of employers and pension funds in pension litigation proceedings, often in relation to the indexation of pension rights claims and pension agreement terminations. He also advises on pension transition matters.