Ranking tables
Arbitration (International) | Global
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
- Bredin Prat 9 Years Ranked
- Gide Loyrette Nouel 17 Years Ranked
- Mayer Brown LLP 2 Years Ranked
- Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP 12 Years Ranked
- Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd 15 Years Ranked
- Sidley Austin LLP 7 Years Ranked
- Squire Patton Boggs 2 Years Ranked
- Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
- Derains & Gharavi
Band 1
Band 2
- Gaëtan Verhoosel KC Three Crowns LLP16 Years Ranked
- Georgios Petrochilos KC Three Crowns LLP18 Years Ranked
- Noah Rubins KC Freshfields17 Years Ranked
- Stephen Jagusch KC Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP20 Years Ranked
- Todd Wetmore Three Crowns LLP14 Years Ranked
- Barton LegumHonlet Legum Arbitration
- Franz SchwarzWilmerHale
- Hamid G GharaviDerains & Gharavi
- Peter Goldsmith KCDebevoise & Plimpton LLP
- Steven FinizioWilmerHale
Band 3
- Charles Nairac White & Case LLP12 Years Ranked
- Eduardo Silva Romero Wordstone Dispute Resolution20 Years Ranked
- Fernando Mantilla-Serrano Latham & Watkins LLP21 Years Ranked
- Matthias Scherer Lalive16 Years Ranked
- Michael Young KC Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan19 Years Ranked
- Sophie Lamb KC Latham & Watkins16 Years Ranked
- Tom Sprange KC King & Spalding International LLP11 Years Ranked
- Claudia AnnackerAnnacker International Disputes
Band 4
- Andrew de Lotbinière McDougall KC White & Case LLP15 Years Ranked
- Anthony Sinclair Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP16 Years Ranked
- Boris Kasolowsky Freshfields15 Years Ranked
- Carole Malinvaud Gide Loyrette Nouel23 Years Ranked
- Charles Claypoole Latham & Watkins8 Years Ranked
- David Roney Sidley Austin LLP13 Years Ranked
- Domitille Baizeau Lalive17 Years Ranked
- Isabelle Michou Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan17 Years Ranked
- Jason Fry KC Clifford Chance Europe LLP16 Years Ranked
- Jennifer Younan A&O Shearman4 Years Ranked
- Marie Stoyanov A&O Shearman10 Years Ranked
- Matthew Weiniger KC Linklaters19 Years Ranked
- Robin Oldenstam Mannheimer Swartling18 Years Ranked
- Stephen Fietta KC Fietta LLP17 Years Ranked
- Sylvia Noury KC Freshfields17 Years Ranked
- David Kavanagh KCDavid Kavanagh KC - Independent Arbitrator
- Jean-Yves GaraudCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
- Robert VolterraVolterra Fietta
Band 5
- Andrea Menaker White & Case LLP14 Years Ranked
- Anne Véronique Schlaepfer White & Case LLP16 Years Ranked
- Christopher Boog Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd10 Years Ranked
- Cyrus Benson Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP15 Years Ranked
- Dany Khayat Mayer Brown LLP9 Years Ranked
- Elliott Geisinger Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd20 Years Ranked
- Epaminontas Triantafilou Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP6 Years Ranked
- Joachim Knoll Lalive2 Years Ranked
- John Savage KC King & Spalding International LLP21 Years Ranked
- Laurent Gouiffès Hogan Lovells (Paris) LLP17 Years Ranked
- Mariella Orelli Homburger15 Years Ranked
- Melissa Magliana Lalive5 Years Ranked
- Michael W Bühler Bühler Arbitration24 Years Ranked
- Noradèle Radjai Lalive13 Years Ranked
- Penny Madden KC Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP10 Years Ranked
- Philippe Bärtsch Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd7 Years Ranked
- Raëd Fathallah Bredin Prat16 Years Ranked
- Roland Ziadé Linklaters17 Years Ranked
- Simon Greenberg Clifford Chance Europe LLP9 Years Ranked
- Xavier Favre-Bulle Lenz & Staehelin19 Years Ranked
- Alfonso IglesiaCuatrecasas
- Christopher P. MooreCleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
- Daniel BusseBusse Disputes Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
- David GoldbergPinna Goldberg
- Jean-Christophe HonletHonlet Legum Arbitration
- Jeffrey Sullivan KCDebevoise & Plimpton LLP
- Laurent JaegerJaeger Arbitration
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 FreshfieldsArbitration (International)2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years RankedFreshfields has a highly respected arbitration practice with a deep bench across Europe, with particular strength in the UK, France and Germany. It draws on additional supporting teams in Austria and Spain. The lawyers are well versed in the arbitration rules of all the major international arbitration centres, including the SCC, the ICC and ICSID. It has an esteemed commercial arbitration practice with impressive experience in major energy sector cases, including those relating to breach of supply contracts. Its investment treaty practice benefits from key partners in London, Frankfurt and Paris who coordinate with global offices to handle ECT or BIT cases across Europe and beyond, often representing investors. Its prestigious clientele includes players from the construction, chemical and manufacturing sectors.
1 Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 1 | 12 Years RankedQuinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan is recognised for its capacity to handle Europe's most complex international arbitration mandates. The law firm is particularly active in arbitrations related to the energy sector while also housing a superb London investment treaty practice that represents investors in high-value BIT cases against governments. Teams in Paris and London are also well placed to handle a variety of commercial arbitrations under ICC, SCC and LCIA rules, often acting for investment funds and prominent corporates from the hospitality and automotive sectors. In addition to its excellence in European-wide mandates, Quinn Emanuel is a visible player in disputes involving the Middle East and Africa. The firm boasts a globally integrated practice, frequently working in collaboration with its Geneva and New York offices.1 Three Crowns LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedThree Crowns's arbitration practice consists of market-leading, globally renowned practitioners in London and Paris who have an exclusive focus on international arbitration. The firm is revered for its excellence in both commercial and investor-state arbitrations under various rules and seats across Europe and beyond. Three Crowns boasts notable expertise in cases arising from the energy and natural resources sector, including those relating to construction contracts, gas price reviews and disputed production-sharing contracts. The team also represents clients from the finance and technology sectors in arbitrations arising from supply agreements and joint venture disputes. The firm is frequently active in matters involving Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, predominantly acting for investors.
1 White & Case LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years RankedClients mandating White & Case benefit from the firm's globally integrated network of offices, with extensive resources in Paris, London and Frankfurt as well as Stockholm and the CEE region. Its teams handle a wide range of high-end construction arbitrations, including those relating to major oil and gas and infrastructure projects. The firm enjoys a superb standing for its energy sector arbitration practice, spanning gas price review cases, joint venture disputes and ECT cases. Furthermore, White & Case frequently represents states and investors in high-profile investment arbitrations, often involving Eastern European jurisdictions. Similarly, White & Case is highly visible in matters concerning Latin American and African entities. The firm complements its outstanding offering with impressive strength in annulment proceedings.
Band 2
2 A&O ShearmanArbitration (International)2025 | Band 2 | 29 Years RankedClients benefit from A&O Shearman's extensive office network across Europe, including London, Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. The firm garners praise for handling international arbitrations seated in key jurisdictions across Europe under various national and international rules. A&O Shearman's teams are particularly active in high-profile ECT and BIT cases, showcasing the firm's capacity to coordinate complex investor-state mandates between its offices. Its clientele includes sovereign states in Africa, Asia and the Middle East as well as private equity funds and energy giants. The firm boasts expertise across the energy, banking and finance, and construction sectors.
2 King & Spalding International LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedKing & Spalding boasts a strong global presence emanating from leading teams in the USA and Asia, with offices in Paris and London acting as hubs for the European arbitration group. The teams handle high-value, multi-jurisdictional commercial arbitration proceedings, particularly in the renewable and conventional energy sectors, with significant expertise in oil and gas as well as construction disputes. A further pillar of strength is King & Spalding's activity in high-end investor-state arbitrations and enforcement proceedings, often representing multinational companies as well as sovereign states. European investors pursuing ECT claims against European states also regularly mandate King & Spalding. It also acts for clients from South Asia and the CIS region. The firm has further expertise in the media, mining and manufacturing sectors.
2 LaliveArbitration (International)2025 | Band 2 | 17 Years RankedLalive is an outstanding Swiss firm operating out of Geneva, Zürich and London, with the experience and reputation to compete at the pan-European level. Its team is praised for its prowess in large-scale investor-state arbitrations on behalf of states as well as state-owned and private companies. The firm is particularly active in the energy, construction and mining sectors, with a strong caseload of ICSID and UNCITRAL arbitrations relating to disputes between European and Middle Eastern or Asian parties. The firm is recognised as a superb choice to handle Geneva-seated commercial cases, with additional experience in cases seated in London or Helsinki. It is also well reputed for the numerous prominent arbitrators within its ranks.
Band 3
3 Baker McKenzieArbitration (International)2025 | Band 3 | 16 Years RankedBaker McKenzie offers a sizeable and diverse arbitration practice with a broad office network across Europe. The firm handles proceedings across a variety of European arbitral seats, including those under ICSID and UNCITRAL rules. The London team often handles LCIA and ICC mandates involving oil and gas companies as well as real estate developers. The firm also advises on post-M&A dispute resolution and convinces with its expertise in infrastructure and construction-related disputes, often involving large-scale projects in the CIS.
3 Clifford Chance LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 3 | 17 Years RankedClifford Chance houses an established London practice that advises on ICSID, ICC and UNCITRAL arbitrations brought by prominent global financial institutions and corporate clients. The firm enjoys a strong standing in large-scale construction and energy disputes, including BIT and ECT claims brought against Central European states. The Paris practice is best known for its handling of sensitive ICC arbitrations on behalf of key clients from industry sectors such as mining. With further teams across Germany, Poland, Italy and the Netherlands, the firm provides a comprehensive offering across Europe.
3 Herbert Smith FreehillsArbitration (International)2025 | Band 3 | 17 Years RankedThe well-reputed London and Paris teams of Herbert Smith Freehills handle high-value investment treaty and commercial arbitrations, with a particular focus on African and Middle Eastern energy sector disputes. The firm also has a notable presence in the German market, with key lawyers in Frankfurt advising international companies on varied commercial disputes. Clients benefit from the teams' extensive experience in sectors such as automotive, construction and IT as well as insurance. The firm complements its strong offering with its prowess in handling enforcement proceedings across various European jurisdictions.
3 Latham & WatkinsArbitration (International)2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedLatham & Watkins enjoys a strong standing in the arbitration world. The firm leads major global arbitrations through key teams in London, Germany and France. Latham & Watkins represents corporations and states in investor-state arbitration brought pursuant to BITs and the ECT. Latham & Watkins convinces with its handling of a broad range of commercial and investment arbitrations across various sectors, including finance, energy and mining. The firm complements its excellent offering with its strength in annulment proceedings across courts in Europe and beyond.
Band 4
4 DLA Piper LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 4 | 5 Years RankedDLA Piper is an international law firm with arbitration capabilities spread across multiple offices in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as France and the UK. The firm boasts investor-state arbitration strength, representing states and investors in ICSID as well as related annulment proceedings. The lawyers also handle cases under UNCITRAL rules. The firm's commercial arbitration practice includes work on London and Paris-seated disputes arising for major clients in the oil and gas sector.
4 Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya DisputesArbitration (International)2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedThe French boutique law firm Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes is widely considered an important arbitration practice in Europe. The firm's arbitration capabilities are focused predominantly within its Paris office, which leads major investor-state cases and handles high-value, high-profile commercial arbitration seated across various European jurisdictions. The firm also assists with enforcement and setting-aside proceedings filed in national courts. Furthermore, the team acts for several European states on BIT claims, including those related to 5G rollouts.
4 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedGibson, Dunn & Crutcher is well placed to handle commercial and investor-state cases under various rules, including those of ICSID, the ICC and the LCIA and various seats across Europe. The firm also assists with ECT claims. In addition, Gibson Dunn offers strength in annulment and enforcement proceedings, acting for parties in front of English courts and globally. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher is particularly revered for its work in the energy sector.
4 Hogan LovellsArbitration (International)2025 | Band 4 | 15 Years RankedWith its teams operating out of France, the UK and other European offices, Hogan Lovells is a solid choice for international arbitration mandates. Its teams represent corporate clients in ICC arbitrations relating to shareholder and energy disputes in the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. The London and Paris teams also act on both the investor and state sides of BIT and ECT cases, and the teams in Italy and Spain handle high-value cases seated either locally or in other European jurisdictions. Hogan Lovells enjoys particularly strong recognition in the energy, financial services and telecommunications sectors. The firm rounds off its offering with prowess in annulment proceedings.
4 LinklatersArbitration (International)2025 | Band 4 | 11 Years RankedLinklaters has an established presence in the European arbitration market and benefits from the presence of well-regarded individual lawyers spread across multiple jurisdictions. The firm's teams in France, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands receive praise for their handling of significant arbitration procedures and related set-aside and enforcement proceedings. Linklaters represents clients in cases under various rules, including those of the ICC, the LCIA and UNCITRAL, as well as NAI and CEPANI, across seats in Europe. In addition to its strength in commercial arbitration, the firm is experienced in sensitive investment treaty claims against European and African governments. Linklaters acts on behalf of clients in the energy, mining and financial sectors.
4 Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom (UK) LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 4 | 17 Years RankedSkadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom's international arbitration practice regularly handles multi-jurisdictional investment treaty and commercial arbitration proceedings from its London office. The team acts on ICSID and UNCITRAL cases and has significant expertise in BITs and Energy Charter Treaty proceedings involving Asian and European jurisdictions. Skadden also handles arbitration-relation litigation, making it a strong choice for comprehensive coverage. It caters predominantly for a prominent clientele comprising multinational corporations from the telecommunications, energy and finance sectors.
Band 5
5 Bredin PratArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 9 Years RankedThe well-reputed French law firm Bredin Prat convinces with its handling of investment treaty cases on behalf of an impressive client list that includes several Middle Eastern, African and European states. In addition to advising on the sale side of BIT and ECT cases, the firm also represents companies in commercial cases under ICC and other major arbitral rules. Bredin Prat offers particular strength in the oil and gas, construction and transportation sectors. Clients also benefit from a multilingual team of partners who offer fluency in English, French, Arabic, German and Spanish.
5 Gide Loyrette NouelArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 17 Years RankedGide Loyrette Nouel is a major French firm that handles international arbitration from its Paris office, with further support from London. The team primarily assists with commercial arbitration proceedings and has experience in cases seated in Paris and Geneva under ICC and Swiss rules. European states also mandate Gide for its strength in UNCITRAL cases regarding mining projects. The team is particularly involved in disputes relating to Africa.
5 Mayer Brown LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 2 Years RankedMayer Brown houses a particularly strong team adept at handling both investor-state and commercial arbitration matters. The firm is able to draw strength from a number of offices, including in France, Germany and the UK. The team has in-depth experience appearing in mandates under numerous rules including those of the LCIA, ICC, ICSID and SCC. It also has knowledge of BIT and ECT matters. Mayer Brown has a wide practice, taking instructions from a wide variety of sectors such as construction, finance, energy, mining and gas.
5 Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 12 Years RankedOrrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe houses a respected international arbitration group led from the Paris and Geneva offices. The combined experience of the teams in Paris, London and Düsseldorf enables the firm to handle commercial arbitration seated across all key arbitration centres in Europe. The firm also assists with any challenges to arbitral awards arising in German and English courts.
5 Schellenberg Wittmer LtdArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 15 Years RankedSchellenberg Wittmer houses a widely respected Swiss practice with practitioners acting as counsel and arbitrators from its Geneva and Zürich bases. The firm regularly assists with commercial arbitrations, often under ICC rules, on behalf of both private companies and states. The team is well placed to handle a considerable variety of rules, including the Swiss Rules and those of the SCC and UNCITRAL. Additionally, Schellenberg Wittmer stands out for its work in set-aside proceedings before the Swiss courts, including within the context of major European investor-state disputes. The firm supplements its offering with its expertise in Court of Arbitration for Sports cases.
5 Sidley Austin LLPArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 7 Years RankedSidley Austin houses a Geneva and London-based practice with an extensive international reach. Its highly respected Geneva team comprises a key part of the firm's global arbitration practice, advising on high-value cases seated in various jurisdictions across Europe. The firm is well placed to handle investor-state disputes, acting on behalf of companies in the healthcare, media and mining sectors. Sidley Austin also offers expertise in matters heard before the Court of Arbitration for Sport and related appeals in front of the Swiss and European high courts.
5 Squire Patton BoggsArbitration (International)2025 | Band 5 | 2 Years RankedSquire Patton Boggs has the capacity to handle complex mandates across Europe and has a particularly strong track record acting for states. The firm is very well versed in investment-treaty matters. It is also adept at acting under numerous rules, including those of the ICC and ICSID, and has noted knowledge of ECT cases. The team is able to manage mandates from a range of sectors including mining, LNG and gas. Squire Patton Boggs is also extremely experienced in commercial disputes in the construction space.