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Provided by Sharon Bauman
Sharon Bauman is a partner in Manatt’s Employment and Labor practice, leveraging the Firm’s strong California presence by serving clients in both the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices. Her practice focuses on advising management regarding all aspects of labor and employment, including discrimination, harassment, retaliation, discharge issues, workplace violence issues and occupational safety and health issues, among others.
Before federal and state courts throughout California, Sharon handles employment litigation matters for a variety of prominent companies in the health care, banking, service and entertainment industries. Sharon has an outstanding litigation and counseling practice, as she frequently delivers for her clients in wage-and-hour and discrimination suits and represents clients before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) and other governmental agencies. She has substantial experience in the health care industry and is especially well known for her work with Blue Shield of California. Sharon is a critical trusted advisor for clients, particularly with respect to conducting sensitive and confidential investigations, often involving C-suite individuals.
Admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the California Supreme Court and all other California state courts
Admitted to practice in California
Former member, Board of Directors, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Quoted, “Manatt Adds Ex-Bird Marella Litigator In Los Angeles,” Law360, June 4, 2021.
“Court Accepts ‘My Wife Made Me Do It’ Excuse in Termination Dispute,” Preventing Employment Law Problems in the California Workplace, June 2006.
“California Courts Render Key Pro-Employer Rulings in 2005 – A Year in Review,” Business Law News, January 2006.
“This Fall the Focus Returns to Sexual Harassment,” Orange County Business Journal, September 19, 2005.
“Bully Managers: The Legal Risks of Tolerating Tyrants in the Workplace,” Workplace Violence Prevention Reporter, Vol. 8, No. 4, May 2002.
“Y2 Pay?: Misclassification of Computer Personnel Can Be Costly,” Labor and Employment Bulletin, Vol. I, No. 3, Matthew Bender Publications, March 2, 2001.
“Online Overtime”, Cyber Esq., Supplement to the Los Angeles Daily Journal, San Francisco Daily Journal, Washington Journal, Colorado Journal, Arizona Journal and Nevada Journal, Summer 2000.
“California Employers May Assert Affirmative Defenses to Claims of Sexual Harassment, Court Rules,” California/National Personnel Law Update, June 1999.
“The Workings of the Labor Commissioner – A Guide for Employers,” The California Labor Letter, Volume VII, No.4, April 1996.
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