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Band 2
Band 2
Provided by Nkumbe Ekaney KC
Practice Areas
Nkumbe Ekaney KC is Joint Head of Chambers at 1GC Family Law.
He has an extensive High Court practice which encompasses all areas of children law, both Public and Private Law.
Public law complex cases of serious allegations of non-accidental injury, death, FII, sexual abuse and chronic neglect.
Minority and or immigrant parents accused of ritualistic and other abuse including radicalisation and FGM.
Relationship breakdown, relocation and the international aspects thereto and cases involving allegations of serious physical, emotional or sexual abuse of children by parents.
Call 1990, Silk 2011, Deputy High Court Judge 2017
Professional Memberships
Family Bar Association, Western Circuit
Articles in Family Law Magazine
Bristol University, sport, African art, music and travel