Heads of Chambers: Andrew Norton KC and Sally Stone KC
Senior Clerk: Paul Harris
Tenants: 105
Chambers: 1GC Family Law is recognised nationally and internationally as a leading family law set, providing a highly skilled, comprehensive service to clients across the full spectrum of family law. Expert advice and representation, together with a practical approach, result in members being instructed in the most complex and sensitive cases, involving issues of general importance. Professional and lay clients appreciate the professionalism and approachability of the clerking team.
Work Undertaken: Members appear in courts at all levels, including, regularly, the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. All aspects of public law children work are handled with a particular reputation for undertaking cases involving the most complex legal and medical issues and increasingly, radicalisation cases. Work for local authorities includes applications for care and supervision orders, as well as adoption and judicial review. Public interest immunity cases, publicity and restraint of publicity cases form a regular part of Chambers’ practice. Private children law expertise includes disputes over arrangements for children, surrogacy, adoption, declarations of parentage following assisted conception and issues relating to legal parenthood in same sex relationships. The family finance team undertakes matters ranging from big-money cases involving complex financial structures to modest value claims. Work includes freezing injunctions to prevent dissipation of assets, cases involving foreign and offshore assets and complex trust arrangements, pre and post nuptial agreements and enforcement of orders. Court of Protection cases are an established part of Chambers’ expertise as are cases involving family privacy and autonomy, the right to life and modern families. Members regularly deal with urgent applications in all family law and related matters. Chambers was one of the first to establish a family mediation service and continues to focus on alternative dispute resolution, offering early neutral evaluation and arbitration. Many members sit part-time. Chambers has a strong tradition for undertaking pro bono work.
International: Much of Chambers’ work has an international element. Members are frequently instructed in cases involving foreign jurisdictions. Several members have gained experience as lawyers working overseas, particularly in North America and the Caribbean. International work includes disputes as to jurisdiction and forum, valuation and distribution of assets overseas and enforcement against foreign or off-shore trusts. Members deal regularly with cases of child abduction and other disputes relating to the international movement of children, including adoption, surrogacy and care proceedings. Chambers has been involved in considering the implications of ‘Brexit’ for family law, contributing to proposals for law reform in this area.
- Andrew Norton KC (1992) (KC-2016)
- Sally Stone KC (1994) (KC-2021)
- Eleanor F Platt KC (1960) (KC-1982)
- Alison Ball KC (1972) (KC-1995)
- Janet Bazley KC (1980) (KC-2006)
- Charles Geekie KC (1985) (KC-2006)
- Nkumbe Ekaney KC (1990) (KC-2011)
- Andrew Bagchi KC (1989) (KC-2015)
- Sam Momtaz KC (1995) (KC-2017)
- Denise Gilling KC (1992) (KC-2021)
- Laura Briggs KC (2001) (KC-2022)
- Louise MacLynn KC (2001) (KC-2023)
- Caroline Willbourne (1970)
- Suzanne Shenton (1973)
- Elizabeth Szwed (1974)
- Peter Horrocks (1977)
- David Burles (1984)
- Pamela Warner (1985)
- Sylvester McIlwain (1985)
- Susan Pyle (1985)
- John Stocker (1985)
- Gary Crawley (1988)
- Nicholas Daniels (1988)
- Rachel Gillman (1988)
- Becky Littlewood (1988)
- Elpha LeCointe (1988)
- Malcolm Chisholm (1989)
- Michael Liebrecht (1989)
- Kate Mather (1990)
- Susan George (1990)
- Claire Heppenstall (1990)
- Catherine Jenkins (1990)
- Simon Sugar (1990)
- Doushka Krish (1991)
- Jillian Hurworth (1993)
- Jennifer Kavanagh (1993)
- Alison Moore (1994)
- Emma Hudson (1995)
- Siobhan F Kelly (1995)
- Julien Foster (1995)
- Sam Whittam (1995)
- Fareha Choudhury (1995)
- Mark Rawcliffe (1996)
- Duncan Watson (1997)
- Elizabeth Darlington (1998)
- Prof Peter McEleavy (1999)
- Julia Gasparro (1999)
- Daisy Hughes (1999)
- Emily James (1999)
- Sharon Segal (2000)
- Helen Jefferson (2000)
- Jessica Lee (2000)
- Rebecca Mitchell (2000)
- Karen Kabweru-Namulemu (2001)
- Tahmina Rahman (2001)
- Philip Perrins (2002)
- Edward Flood (2002)
- Matthew Fletcher (2003)
- Emily Verity (2003)
- Richard Jones (2003)
- Henry Lamb (2004)
- Olivia Magennis (2005)
- Elizabeth Hartnett (2006)
- Alfred Procter (2005)
- Steven Ashworth (2006)
- Sophie Prolingheuer (2006)
- Georgina Cole (2007)
- Nasstassia Hylton (2007)
- Elena MacLeod (2007)
- Matthew Brunsdon-Tully (2007)
- Penny Clapham (2007)
- Gemma Kelly (2007)
- Craig Vickers (2008)
- Katherine Dunseath (2008)
- Lucy Sprinz (2008)
- Eleri Jones (2009)
- Joseph Moore (2009)
- Jessica Bernstein (2011)
- Jack Rundall (2011)
- Oliver Woolley (2012)
- Marlene Cayoun (2012)
- Patrick Paisley (2013)
- Tom Wilson (2013)
- Navpreeth Gihair (2013)
- Andrew Venables (2013)
- Luke Eaton (2015)
- Melissa Elsworth (2015)
- Lucy Maxwell (2015)
- Elisabeth Andrews (2016)
- Annabel Barrons (2016)
- Anna Lavelle (2016)
- Niamh Daly (2018)
- Costanza Bertoni (2018)
- Louise Verroken-Jones (2018)
- Lucy Bennett (2019)
- Beth Hibbert (2020)
- Monica Young (2020)
- Emma Colebatch (2021)
- Harriet Stacey (2021)
- Mark Blundell (2021)
- Roseanna Cawthray Stern (2021)
- Sapna Jain (2021)
- Sylvie Armstrong (2023)
- Mark Harrop (2024)
- Gemma Neath (2024)
- Christopher Sharp KC (1975) (KC-1999)*
- Jane Crowley KC (1976) (KC-1998)*
- Lorraine Cavanagh KC (2000) (KC-2019)*
- Matthew Rees KC (1996) (KC-2024)*
- Timothy Bowe KC (2003)
- Ann Marie Wicherek (1978)*
- Gillian Downham (1993)*
- * Door Tenant
Ranked Offices
Provided by 1GC|Family Law
- London10 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, Greater London, UK, WC2A 3BP
- Web: www.1gc.com
- Tel: (020) 7797 7900
- Fax: (020) 7797 7929
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1GC|Family Law rankings